Ewya Magazine Ewya Magazine Issue 1 June 2016 | Page 20


To create an attitude of Positive thinking a conscious decision is made to only allow empowering thoughts , words and images that are conducive to self-growth , expansion and success . It is a mindset that expects great and favorable results .
“ A positive mind anticipates happiness , joy , health and a successful result .” “ Whatever the mind expects , it finds .”
I am sure you have all read many articles on the power of positive thinking . Many of you have probably experimented with the concept . Unfortunately most people give up after only trying for a short time . When I questioned my clients as to why they stopped using the power of positive thinking they told me . “ it does not work , I tried it and for awhile I felt better but nothing changed ”. The funny thing is that normally the universe is about to deliver what you have been asking for , and then you say this is not working . Normally there is such despair in this statement that the universe and God only hear that you don ’ t want the affirmations to work . This results in the affirmations and hard work hard work being dismissed . This article provides the keys to successfully using Positive Thinking to change your life and the way you think .
You have been socially conditioned to think the way you do , every day of your life has habituated the way you think . Understand , this will help you to realise change will not happen overnight . If you are thirty years old you have , thirty years of dis-empowering thoughts to alter . Positive thinking is not a quick fix but a lifestyle and mental change . This can be achieved through reprogramming your negative thinking and social conditioning to positively change your mind .
Step 1 Become Aware of Your Mind Becoming aware of your thoughts is a vital part to mastering the power of positive thinking . If our internal dialogue does not match our affirmations and positive thinking , it will affect our manifestation , and our personal growth by fighting what we are affirming . Here is how it works . Set an alarm to go off randomly through out the day , as soon the alarm sounds , stop what you are doing and quietly look at the thoughts that are flitting through your subconscious mind for a few minute . Do not become involved in what is going through your mind , just witness your mental processes . Consider what your internal voice is saying on a continual basis . I call this voice my Critical Intruder . After a few days of inspecting your internal dialogue , you should have a fairly accurate idea of what your mind is repeating over and over in your head . Whatever you say , do , feel and act on became your manifestations in life . Therefore you need to understand that this voice is the one manifesting your future .
20 - Ewya June 2016