awoke in the middle of the night to a blinding
light that was sending swirling energy into my
third eye. I had no idea what was happening or
how long it continued, but at some point I fell
back to sleep. Over the next two days, I moved
in and out of an expanded state of awareness
while downloading vast amounts of esoteric
information. The information received related to
the topic of perception and the human capacity
to connect with the truth of who we really are as
spiritual beings on this planet. Since then I have
had many synchronous happenings enhancing
my understanding of the material and its
It has been an alchemical process for sure that
has required me over the last two years to trust
and surrender to the divine unfolding of this
information in its proper form. When we see
chaos outside of ourselves, it is because we have
not found clarity within. The tricky part is that
in our limited perception we believe that we
must go searching for this clarity. The famous
sage Osho tells us otherwise. “Wisdom is inner,
knowledge is outer…understanding cannot be
studied, no one can teach it to you. You have to
be a light onto yourself.” And further the Ancient
Greeks tells us that when we know ourselves, we
shall know all the mysteries of the Gods and of
the Universe.
What If Perception Is All That Ails Us?
By: Maria Clark
“An image of the Deity dormant and concealed in
matter was what the alchemist called the original
chaos.” ~ Carl Jung
Carl Jung in this famous quote offers us a
profound glimpse of what might be possible
by adjusting our view even in the midst of a
seemingly chaotic world. Is it possible that in
fact we may be able to perceive a whole new
and more complete world by focusing on what
is in place rather than what is not? Webster’s
describes healing as restoring (a person) to
spiritual wholeness. Jung tells us that healing
comes from what leads the patient beyond the
entanglements of the ego. So how does one
endeavor to untangle the ego and find spiritual
wholeness? Plumbing the depths of Jungian
psychology might be one way…but my spiritual
guidance has offered me perhaps a simpler view.
The essence of what I have been given which I
share with you today is the simple truth that the
ancient sages have known for thousands of years.
Wholeness and healing is found when we stop
searching outside of ourselves for knowledge
and own the wisdom that exists within. The
original chaos that Carl Jung references stems
from our perception that we are somehow
separate from our own divinity and by association
the rest of the world. As humans, we our
conditioned to perceive ourselves in this limited
way and therefore are constantly searching and
never complete. It really is that simple.
I woke up one morning about three years ago
hearing the phrase “perceptual awareness.” As
fate would have it, not too long after I stumbled
upon an anonymous painting capturing William
Blake’s famous quote “If the doors of perception
were cleansed everything would appear as it
is, infinite.” At the time I was totally unfamiliar
with the poet William Blake, but his words
resonated for me in an eerie way. It was as if I
was personally being let in on a really big secret!
I bought the painting and hung it in my office.
It was about this time that my guides began to
wake me up regularly with the question “what if
perception is all that ails us?”
So how do we deal with the sense of lack,
unworthiness and insecurity th