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community at-large ,” expressed Rob Merrell of local law firm Cobb Cole , who Chaired the VCARD Committee that reviewed Daytona Beach ’ s land development code . “ It ’ s certainly one of our proudest accomplishments .”
The decisions made about where we build , what we build and how we build literally become the community in which we live . For all of us , there is a vested interest in the answer to these questions . For employers , the connection to a thriving community with excellent quality of life has residual benefits with attracting and retaining top talent . For residents , there is a more obvious desire for access to diverse dining options and recreation and entertainment venues . So the dialogue about where , what , and how we build is critical to our own present comfort and enjoyment . Developing sustainably also considers the future comfort and enjoyment of generations to come .
Land development professionals number over 1,600 employees at over 300 establishments in Volusia County , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics . This includes architectural and engineering services , geophysical surveying and mapping services , land subdivision , and site preparation contractors . Their expertise is necessary to address intractable problems like how to accommodate future growth without compromising the environment . With the economy recovering from the Great Recession and growth on the rise , an organization dedicated to responsible development remains essential to creating livable , vibrant places . The work of development professionals is visible in all areas where we carry out our dayto-day lives . And the result of this work is liable to be called to account by future generations .
The future of sustainable land development is replete with as many challenges as there is opportunity . Hot issues such as climate change , global warming , sea level rise ( particularly for a coastal community ), and environmental protection are worthy of examination and discussion as each item impacts how we decide to grow . VCARD is up for the task of continuing to facilitate dialogue around emerging trends that will invariably shape the road ahead . Intrinsic to VCARD ’ s philosophy is a belief that through convening and education we create answers .
Kerry Karl is the Executive Director for the Volusia County Association for Responsible Development ( VCARD ), an organization dedicated to affecting positive outcomes for the development in Volusia and Flagler Counties . Kerry spent 10 years in economic development prior to taking the helm at VCARD .
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