EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine November 2017 | Page 25
The Volusia County Association for Responsible Development
Nature,” published in 1965. This was one of the first books
(VCARD) and its Flagler County Chapter is an organization to attack the American myth of the superabundance and the
dedicated to land development professionals. This implies a inexhaustibility of the Earth.
stance of pro-growth, which mistakenly could be perceived as
As part of the land development industry, the weight of
anti-sustainability. This perception is an understandable one. The responsibility is certainly felt by VCARD’s membership. “We
natural antithesis to conservation is sometimes characterized are aware of the impact our profession has on the surrounding
as growth, even captured in song lyrics, “They paved paradise area and actively engage in issues like water quality, the effect
and put up a parking lot.” Yet over thirty-years ago when of transportation networks, and land use. It’s important to the
VCARD was founded its premise was to aid in reconciliation as communities in which we perform our work,” stated Shailesh
it related to land development. Deanie Lowe, founding Secretary Patel, Chair of VCARD and President of Dredging and Marine
of VCARD, remembers, “How we develop areas should be an Consultants in Port Orange.
inclusive dialogue between the regulators of land development In March 1, 2015, the City of Daytona Beach adopted their
and those who are regulated [developers]. VCARD started as a new Land Development Code. Land Development Codes for
way to find the balance between meeting the demands of growth cities and counties prescribe the form of any new development
and protecting our natural resources.” and are detailed regulations to implement a Comprehensive Plan.
And the namesake of VCARD was purposeful in its pairing
Vitally important to the future of any community, VCARD spent
of the word “responsible” to “development”. The Merriam- five years working together with the City and their consultant
Webster dictionary defines “responsible” as “liable to be called to to review their former code and setup the new ones to ensure a
account as the primary cause, motive, agent”. Deeply ingrained strong future. “We are a unique coalition of legal, engineering,
in sustainable thinking is the belief that human beings can planning and financial specialists who actively participate in
modify physical geography through the utilization of its natural the process of how a city develops, it’s one of the main services
resources, as proposed by George Perkins Marsh in “Man and the organization offers to local government and ultimately the
As Outgoing President of Florida Brownfields Association.
At Cobb Cole, we’re dedicated to our clients and our
community. Among our many practice areas, our firm
represents businesses and redevelopers with environmental
due diligence, assessment and cleanup of contaminated
properties, redevelopment of properties through state and
federal Brownfield programs, submerged-permitting, and
wetland and species issues, hearings and appeals.
Offices in Daytona Beach & DeLand
Call 386.255.8171 or visit CobbCole.com
Michael O. Sznapstajler
For additional information or questions regarding this
message, please contact Michael Sznapstajler, Partner.
NOVEMBER 2017 | 25 |