EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine November 2016 | Page 13

EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine is published by The Holley Group on behalf of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce. PUBLISHER Howard M. Holley EDITOR Carrie B. Chambers STRATEGY AND MARKETING Christie Kimbell CREATIVE DESIGN & LAYOUT PRINT & DIGITAL Ashlee Harrell ADVERTISING SALES June Barnes Jeanne Coates EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Cindy Dalecki • Marketing 2 Go Mariann D’Arcangelo • Cindy Ferrara State Farm John Guthrie • Halifax Health Janet Kersey • Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce Piros Pazaurek • Marketing X-Rays Nichole Sprague • SPEC Contractor Services PUBLISHING PARTNERS AdAchieve Media • Advertising Sales The Holley Group • Concept Development, Layout, and Design TouchPoint Management Services • Printing and Distribution Marketing 2 Go • Social Media Interested in Advertising? If you would like to advertise in EVOLVE, please contact AdAchieve Media, authorized advertising sales partner, at 386.283.5984 or [email protected] FROM THE EDITOR T echnology—it quite literally never gets old! We live in an era driven by “the next best thing” when it comes to hardware, software, and connectivity, and transitioning business technology is an everpresent theme. Smaller gadgets, faster processing speeds, and wireless communication accelerate our adoption of technology as an extension of ourselves. A key takeaway from this issue is that technology choices are inherently driven by enduring business principles, such as entrepreneurial leadership, great customer service, a well-defined market and brand, a sustainable growth plan, and responsible management. Our feature article highlights the journey of a successful Volusia County technology firm from the dawn of the personal computer age to today’s cloud computing and mobile connectivity. This issue also gives you some insight into what are arguably the most transformative of recent business trends: cloud computing and digital marketing. Cloud computing untethers your business from traditional constructs of place and time. Digital marketing supplies endless innovation potential for customers to experience your business and interact with your brand. Articles in this issue cover the “hows” and “whys” of cloud computing, network connectivity, data security, and hot new marketing tools. We are also excited to be able to bring this issue to life with the help of the LARA augmented reality app and your smart device! Just follow the instructions on pages 15 and 21 to download the app, and then look for the LARA icon on pages throughout the magazine. Enjoy the LARA experience and transform some of our static pictures into augmented, interactive graphics! You can start by pointing your device’s camera at the globe on the cover! Write For Us! SCAN THE QR CODE TO ACCESS EVOLVE DIGITAL OR VISIT If you’re interested in contributing to EVOLVE, please email links to current writing samples and a little bit about yourself to [email protected]. Published Quarterly in May, August, November, and February www.evolvedaytona.com www.evolvedaytona.com CARRIE B. CHAMBERS Editor, EVOLVE [email protected] CORRECTION: All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. The Holley Group assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. © 2016 The Holley Group. All rights reserved. The August issue EVOLVE article, “New Investments Fuel the Area’s Economic Future,” described the International Speedway Corporation’s ONE DAYTONA Project as a “2.5-year, $400 million project.” These statistics are related to the recent transformation of the Daytona International Speedway. ONE DAYTONA has a projected investment of approximately $120 - $150 million, along with two hotels and residential space. NOVEMBER 2016 | 13 |