EverythingLocal Online Magazine EverythingLocal Online magazine | Page 31

to gym regularly for the first two weeks then dropped out . But getting up and going back , already means you ’ ve improved since last year .
It is human nature to strive for perfection . And hopefully never find it . If we attain perfection , we have nothing to strive for . And that ’ s just … sad .
I think as humans we become so fixated on the seemingly unattainable end goal that we ignore all the little milestones along the way . We become disheartened by the fact that we ’ re not achieving that end goal as efficiently as we had hoped and ignore the discipline we ’ ve applied in trying to get there .
I know as far as advice for keeping your resolutions , this article was useless . But that was the point . Figuring out how to make it work for you is your job . That ’ s part of the fun . My job ? I ’ m not quite sure . I write , I communicate . And hopefully I can use it as tool to let you all know , that you ’ re not alone . We all have dreams and fears it ’ s just the content that differs . So here ’ s to a year of celebrating that we are all enough . That we are all valid . And , for crying out loud , we are all human , and we have flaws and make mistakes . Here ’ s to celebrating every time we get back up again and embracing what each of us have to offer . Here ’ s to year of getting out of our comfort zone and appreciating ourselves , and those around us . Let ’ s have a year where we show the world what we have to offer . Celebrate every milestone , no matter how small . It ’ s February , and not too late to make this our best year ever .
To read more of Lynn ’ s blogs then visit the EverythingLocal website . http :// www . everythinglocal . co . za