Everything Horse Magazine Issue 42, May 2021 | Page 13


Steph Gumn

The sun has finally come out ! I love the sunny days ; they do seem to make my working hours longer . My motivation definitely increases , and the job becomes so much easier !
Image : A whole new world , Grace taking in the new views .
to settle but once relaxed , she is happy and is works well . We are getting ready for our first clinic back with Spencer in May .
Lost Shoe and Tantrums I was so proud last month to shout about how well-behaved Grace was having her first set of shoes , but when she lost one and Luke came to put it back on , the whole situation turned a little ... sour .
She was extremely naughty , rearing up and refusing to allow Luke to do his work . We got it on in the end , although it was a joint effort to keep her calm and relaxed .
Since then , I have tapped each shoe with a small hammer whilst picking her hooves out , initially she tried to do the same with me and started snatching her back hoof out of my hands . However , I ' m glad to say , she ' s slowly she has started to relax more . I ' m hopeful the technique will work , and she will be good once again for her next set of shoes .
New Shelter When we bought our new home we only had one stable , but as you know we have two horses here so whilst our planning is being reviewed by the local council we decided to purchase a new field shelter which can double up as a stable .
I can ' t recommend countryleisureUK enough . The ordering process was easy , and Dean was happy to personalise the shelter however we wanted it . When the lads came to erect it , they were quick , efficient , professional and friendly .
We are extremely happy with our purchase , and I am happy to report that Candy went straight inside and started munching on her hay .
That ' s all for now , stay safe and take care , Donna x
Young Stallions My stallion Cupid Z is coming along nicely . He ’ s only 4-years-old , and I ’ m trying to give him as much time to develop as I can . He ’ s recently been out to his first party ( aka training session ) where we enjoyed the company of international showjumper , Geoff Billington . I can ’ t fault the way he behaved ( Cupid Z , not Geoff !), the boy jumped around a small course with fillers , which gave me a lovely feeling . He ’ s since then enjoyed a couple of weeks hacking ; my intentions are to hire another venue in the weeks to come so we can further his exposure to new environments . My other 4-year-old stallion , Nerokan , is only 6 months younger than Cupid Z . He ’ s just started to be ridden away and is walking up and down the yard with me quite happily . He ’ s a bigger horse , and I want to give him all the time to develop and grow . However , I ’ m delighted with his progress so far .
Foaling My broodmare Berrywood is now due any day . She ’ s in the stable and expanding by the hour ! I can ’ t wait to see what type of foal she will produce . She ’ s already foaled a 1.40m performer and some other promising young horses who are coming through the ranks . She ’ s been ‘ put to ’ my co-owned stallion , Sandros Sun . The foal will be his first , which makes it even more exciting and special . My other mare Alliance isn ’ t due until June , so she ’ s still down grazing in the field with the other mares , who have all been enjoying the better weather .
Pastures new I moved out of my family home following my mom ’ s death last year , but my new house is yet to be ready , so I am living in the lorry at the moment ! I literally am now at work 24 / 7 !
Coaching Coaching is picking up following lockdown , and I have a couple of full clinics coming up , which I ’ m really looking forward to . My new stud business has been delayed by planning and COVID , but fingers crossed , building will start in the next month or so . Hopefully , next time I update , there will be a foal on the ground too !
Take care and stay safe , Steph x
4-year-old stallion , Cupid Z
4-year-old stallion , Nerokan
Broodmare , Berrywood