Everything Horse Magazine Issue 42, May 2021 | Page 12





Donna Harrison

I am not sure where to start this month as a lot has happened , however , I will do my best to get it all down on paper for you to read
COVID is still dominating the news , with the start of various lockdowns now easing . I am pleased to say that I received my first injection ( Pfizer ) at the beginning of April . I was very fortunate and only got a sore arm . I ' m hoping that it is the same for the second one .
With lockdown easing and borders being opened , we have had a steady stream of visitors to see our new home . This is lovely ; however also very tiring , and it has been quite difficult to manage my time with the horses . I ' m now looking after two at my home and two half an hour away at their owner ' s ( Brian ' s ) home .
Hacking Out After allowing Grace and Candy some time to settle in their new surroundings , we set to work . Grace has only ever been on the road once in her life , so hacking out is still very new , so I really didn ' t know what to expect . My husband and I spent the first few weeks leading both girls around the roads in hand to get them familiar with the new sights , sounds and smells of their new environment . We introduced them to the new stables and the fact that this part of the world has hills , lots of hills ( there ' s really nothing is flat here !).
Both girls have now met sheep , cows , pheasants and much more . Their surroundings are tranquil , so every little bird can be heard cheeping , every sheep baaing , every noise my parrot makes talking and every cow mooing .
Once I managed to get back on board , my mum came and hacked out with me on just a short , familiar route . Over time I have worked on getting the girls out on my own . I ' ve also managed to hack out with a local friend , so Grace got to meet an entirely new horse .
Most of the time Grace has had her brave girl pants on ; however it hasn ' t all been plain sailing . She is like a ( not so little ) firecracker ,
head held high so she can see over the hedges , complete with spooky mode engaged ! Her favourite trick is to try and spin when out on our own or hide behind Candy when she is with us . I have had moments where I want to give up and head home , but so far , I have stuck to my plan and pushed on even in the most challenging moments .
Candy has been an absolute gem and is enjoying hacking out regularly . She is getting fitter by the day and has lost quite a bit of weight . Hopefully , those fat pads which I have always known will disappear . She now even chooses to trot up hills , which always brings a smile to my face .
New Friends and Facilities We are lucky to have a local friend ( Christine ) who has helped me get familiar with some local hacking out routes . I am assured that I haven ' t even touched the surface yet , which I am happy about ! I ' ve also had the pleasure of riding out with her and being allowed to ride her beautiful horse , Idol .
We have been galloping across hills as well as seeing breathtaking scenery . I can truly relax while riding Idol and enjoy every moment .
Christine also has a beautiful school that she has allowed me to use to keep up my schooling . Currently , Grace takes some time
Images : During and after our build to include a mobile shelter / stable .