Everyday Science 1 | Page 9

Why is the earth getting warmer ?

In most countries, people face hotter summers than the ones preceded them. Summer 2016 is hotter than summer 2015 and so on. What makes the climate warmer as we move on in the time line ? Scientists agreed that this phenomenon - called the “greenhouse effect” or the global warming – is caused due to the increment of specific gases percentage in the atmosphere. These five gases act as a greenhouse; they absorb the heat coming from the sun, but never letting it away, causing the earth’s high temperature. These gases are Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Water Vapor and Chlorofluorocarbons. Most of these gases arise due to human activities such as: burning woods, car pollution, manufacturing fertilizers, deforestation and others.

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Why do not the poles melt ?

This is basically due to the earth’s spherical shape. This property controls the heat intensity absorbed by different regions on the earth. For instance, at the equator, the sun rays are directly pointed that’s why the equator is the hottest area ever on the earth. On the other side, at the northern pole, the sun rays are very deflected and so the least dense. Consequently, the northern and southern poles are the earth’s coldest areas, and the heat we feel at the middle of the earth is extremely more than the heat felt by the polar bears in either poles. Due to this, the poles are barely affected by the sun heat.