Every Little Thing! Birth & Beyond 360 Issue 16 | Page 41

By: Bruce & Carrie Gammell

Health - Cloth diapers do not contain chemicals.

Cloth diapers do not contain harmful chemicals. We’ve all seen television commercials showing a baby wearing a disposable diaper. The person narrating the commercial goes on to say how their disposable diaper is most absorbent. Have you ever wondered how or why a disposable diaper is so absorbent? What is it that makes disposable diapers so absorbent?

The two most common chemicals found in disposable diapers are Dioxin and Tributyl-tin. Dioxin is listed by the EPA as a carcinogenic chemical, the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals. Tributyl-tin (TBT) is a toxic pollutant that has caused hormonal problems in humans and animals. Disposable diapers also contain sodium polyacrylate. This super absorbent polymer (SAP) can cause severe skin irritation. You don’t have to take this risk with your baby. Your baby does not need to be exposed to these chemicals, there is another avenue to take and that is cloth diapers. Due to the amount of health concerns related to wearing disposable diapers, our baby is wearing cloth and we’re glad we don’t need to wonder what sort of chemicals are on our baby’s most precious skin. With cloth diapering you won’t have to worry either.

Cost - Cloth diapers will save you money.

Let’s face it, everybody likes to save money! During pregnancy, being mindful not to consume foods that have been exposed to pesticides, preservatives, and additives will add dollars to your grocery bill. However, avoiding the chemicals of disposable diapers will save you money, a lot of money. In fact, the more children you have the more money you will save!

We’ve recently priced a box of name brand diapers online at Target. You can get a box of 148 name brand disposable diapers for $33.24. This box would last approximately 14 days and you would go through 10 diapers a day. Have you ever done the math as to how much this costs per year? In one year you would need 26 boxes of diapers which equals $864.24. Assume that your baby will need to be in diapers for 2 ½ years until potty trained. This means that you would have spent $2,160.60 on one child for diapers, diapers that you throw away each and every day!

On the other hand, an excellent cloth diaper costs about $24.00 each and it is suggested that you have approximately 30 cloth diapers. This means that your total cost on cloth diapers is $720.00. On one child you will save approximately $1,440.60. You can also use these cloth diapers for additional children. If you use these diapers on a second child you will save an additional $2,160.60 because you are not buying any more cloth diapers! Between two children, your combined savings is $3,601.20!

There are a few different paths you can take with cloth diapers and we’ve tried them all. We’ve had the greatest luck and most success with the Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper. Using the Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper will allow you to maximize your savings because the diaper grows with your baby and fits from 6 lbs – 35+. Others make the same claim, but the thing that sets the Rumparooz apart from the others is their patented double-gusset leak proof system. It is truly one of a kind!

This means that your total cost on cloth diapers is $720.00. On one child you will save approximately $1,440.60. You can also use these cloth diapers for additional children. If you use these diapers on a second child you will save an additional $2,160.60 because you are not buying any more cloth diapers! Between two children, your combined savings is $3,601.20!

There are a few different paths you can take with cloth diapers and we’ve tried them all. We’ve had the greatest luck and most success with the Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper. Using the Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper will allow you to maximize your savings because the diaper grows with your baby and fits from 6 lbs – 35+. Others make the same claim, but the thing that sets the Rumparooz apart from the others is their patented double-gusset leak proof system. It is truly one of a kind!

Environment – Cloth diapers are good for the Earth

It takes approximately 500 years for one disposable diaper to break down in a landfill and there are approximately 18 billion disposable diapers sold in the United States each and every year. According to the EPA’s most recent municipal waste report (2008), 2.3% by weight of products discarded in the municipal waste stream are disposable diapers.

Cloth Diapers are really easy to use

Changing a poopy diaper can be an ominous task! One of the most common questions we are asked when conducting a cloth diapering class is “What is the cleaning routine?” Washing cloth diapers does not need to be overwhelming at all! Simply put, it’s a load of laundry every other day. We’re also asked “What about the poop? How do you clean the poop?” One of the many wonders of breastmilk is that is it water soluble. This means that as long as your baby is just fed breastmilk all you need to do is put the poopy diaper in the wash and the poo dissolves. Once the baby starts to eat solid food or is introduced to formula, you will simply drop the poo into the toilet after a diaper change. When it is time to wash the diapers every other day you simply do a pre-rinse, hot wash, followed by a cold rinse. That’s it! You can choose to line dry the diapers or put them in the dryer on a low setting. Best of all, you do not need any special laundry detergent either.

Some may argue that disposable diapers provide convenience and they have never even thought about their harmful effects or the benefits of cloth diapers. However, cloth diapers provide that same type of convenience without the harmful effects. Dads are always looking to protect their families. Cloth Diapers gives dads the opportunity to protect the most vulnerable members of their family and their environment, while at the same time saving their family money.

about $24.00 each and it is suggested that you have approximately 30 cloth diapers. This means that your total cost on cloth diapers is $720.00. On one child you will save approximately $1,440.60. You can also use these cloth diapers for additional children. If you use these diapers on a second child you will save an additional $2,160.60 because you are not buying any more cloth diapers! Between two children, your combined savings is $3,601.20!

There are a few different paths you can take with cloth diapers and we’ve tried them all. We’ve had the greatest luck and most success with the Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper. Using the Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper will allow you to maximize your savings because the diaper grows with your baby and fits from 6 lbs – 35+. Others make the same claim, but the thing that sets the Rumparooz apart from the others is their patented double-gusset leak proof system. It is truly one of a kind!