Upon learning that we were expecting our first child, we began researching the most nutritious foods for a mother-to-be. We were making a conscious effort to avoid pesticides and any other unhealthy additives or preservatives that may adversely affect our growing baby’s health. Like you, we started loving our child before she was born. As the months progressed and the delivery date came closer, we realized that we also needed to educate ourselves on all the products necessary to care for our baby. Like many people we thought disposable diapers were our only option. However, careful research uncovered a realization about the harmful effects of disposable diapers. Never would we have thought in a million years that such a necessary baby product would contain harmful chemicals that could adversely affect a baby’s development. We couldn’t take that chance with our baby. This revelation led us to discover a wonderful alternative – cloth diapering! The more we learned about cloth diapers the more we realized that they were our only option. Cloth diapers are beneficial for three reasons: the health of your baby, the cost savings for you and your family, and they are environmentally friendly.