Evaluation Q2 - Deception 1 | Page 5


The Deception postcard invites it's audience to the BCCD FIlM FEST 2017 and includes a date for the event too. As with custom the same icy blue tone has been used along with the line "A film by Sameer Yakub" which was present in all other film marketing tools.

So what does this entail?

Why are common factors so significant? Deception used the same metallic logo in its website, film and posters. It used shots from the movie in all its marketing material as well and the powerful tagline, "betrayal. lies. deception" was used in all of its content. All these common factors added up to create a sense of "Branding" which basically makes the film establish its own unique feel onto the audience and makes it distinguishable from other media products.

iMagazine / April, 2013 5