Evaluation Evaluation | Page 3

There are not enough cameras at our school to provide each group with one; therefore, when it came to shooting footage for the music video, our only option was to use our phones. Luckily, at the beginning of the year, I purchased an iPhone 7 Plus. This phone has 1080p which provides a high quality screen to view our videos on. It also comes included with 32 GB of storage, allowing us to film practically the entire music video on there. My phone proved very handy as it is more easily portable than carrying round the DSLR. Transferring the data was also easy as all I had to do was connect it to the computer using an iPhone charging cable and drag the files into our group folder.


For our music to be produced in the highest quality, we used 320mp3 which ensures the sound quality is of an industrial standard. Radio stations such as Last.fm use the same quality; therefore, having sound as good as a radio station means that the audience will have no problems when listening to it.