Evaluation Evaluation | Page 11

Researching about the task you are completing is always a difficult thing I find to do. Last year, I didn't score as high as I would have liked to. Looking back at that score, I really wanted to come back this year with a different approach. I started completing blog posts as early on in the year as possible so I wouldn't feel rushed. I also found the motivation to complete textual analyses without being asked or leaving them till the last minute. I am pleased with what I have produced this year. One of the reasons of why I have done better is I started looking into several different platforms and websites to present my work. Some new presentation forms that I didn't use last year including Mind Meister.

Below are a list of all the different programmes I have used throughout my research and planning stage:

- Emaze

- Prezi (Classic and Next)

- Padlet

- Powerpoint

- WIX (to create our website)

- Photoshop