In Never Say Never, Justin Bieber interacts with his fans and shows genuine compassion for other people, as we are challenging the conventions of the genre, we wanted to have our main character hiding in the car from her screaming fans and we wanted her strong and rude attitude to be present towards her fans. Livvy says that her fans are annoying and she understands why she is loved so much because if she was a regular person, she would love herself too. This shows arrogance and rudeness to her fans which is the complete opposite to other music documentaries like Katy Perry's Part Of Me and Never Say Never where the artists interact with their fans.
Livvy challenges the conventions of a music documentary because we see her complaining about doing a film for her
This is why the trailer is for a mockumnetary. especally saying shes going to meet Miley symbolises to the audeinces that shes up to no good.
Diva themes are continued to the ancillary tasks where we make out that the 13 year old has a '10K a day champagne habit, always has parties
and advertise very
expensive clothes for 'cheap'. We did this to challenge the conventions of Teen Vouge, which is aimed at young girls, because we wanted to make a magazine like Livvys life which makes young girls grow up fast to show that magazines advertise celebrity lifes to the girls and help make their role model more accessible.
"Are we done? I'm late for meeting Miley"
Both our product are forms of hyper reality portraying differnt life syles as real life.