Smoking
Kills
–
Not
Only
Physically
We
already
know
that
smoking
kills.
The
effects
of
smoking
cigarettes
are
physically
disastrous
and
harm
our
bodies.
What
we
don’t
know
yet,
is
how
the
smoking
affects
our
minds
and
mental
health.
Until
now.
new
British
study
shows
that
not
only
the
physical
health
deteriorates
with
cigarettes,
but
also
the
mental
health.
Sometimes
to
quit
smoking
could
even
be
better
than
taking
anti-‐depressants.
Scientists
have
examined
people
that
smoke
about
twenty
cigarettes
a
day,
and
followed
them
for
six
months.
The
study
shows
that
you
easily
become
depressed,
get
a
weaker
stress
barrier,
and
have
a
more
negative
view
on
life
if
you
don’t
stop
smoking.
Even
if
we
know
about
this,
a
lot
of
young
people
in
Sweden
smoke.
Approximately
teenagers
start
smoking
every
year,
and
according
to
an
article
in
the
Swedish
newspaper
Dagens
Nyheter,
a
third
of
all
the
young
people
in
Sweden
are
feeling
stressed
on
a
daily
basis.
solution
for
this
problem
might
not
only
be
less
homework,
but
also
less
cigarettes…
So,
if
you’re
a
smoker
and
you’re
feeling
stressed
out
–
stub
out
your
cigarette!
Hanna
Alström
Schieche
Matilda
Lindquist