Euromedia March | Page 23

us watch_us watch 24/04/2014 12:17 Page 1 The Golden Years are becoming the Golden Demographic Larry Gerbrandt marks his passage from one important demographic to another. still remember, like it was yesterday, the morning I woke up and realised I no longer mattered. It was the morning of my 50th birthday and I was no longer in the prized 18-49 demo. As a TV analyst, I realised that my value as a television viewer had plummeted and that according to marketing theory and media planning software, my brand choices were assumed to have been set in stone for the rest of my years. I didn’t consciously set out to prove the theories wrong, but in the subsequent years, I switched from driving Fords to a Toyota pickup truck and switched from being a PC person to a devoted Mac user. I have owned a firstgenera ѥ