EURASIAN EDUCATION №8-9 2015 | Page 42

The Issues of educat³on ¹8-9 (8) 2015 Мақала Еуропадағы ең көне оқу орындарының бірі - Вильнюс Университеті туралы. Автор Университеттің білім беру және ғылыми зерттеу қызметтеріне сипаттама береді, оқу орнының тарихымен және бүгінгі таңдағы миссиясымен таныстырады, сонымен қатар Вильнюс Университеті мен Қазақстанның жоғарғы оқу орындарындағы білім беру жүйелерін салыстырады. Статья посвящена одному из старейших учебных заведений Европы - Вильнюсскому Университету. Автор описывает исследовательскую и образовательную деятельность Университета, знакомит с историей учебного заведения, с нынешней миссией вуза, а также сравнивает системы обучения Вильнюсского Университета и вузов Казахстана. KYMBAT FAIZULDANOVA The article is devoted to one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe - Vilnius University. The author describes the research and educational activities of the University, introduces the history of the institution, the current mission of the university, as well as compares the training system of the Vilnius University and universities of Kazakhstan. graduate student of the University of Vilnius THE UNIVERSITY OF VILNIUS - TOWARDS THE FUTURE WITH THE BEST TRADITIONS The University of Vilnius has a long and interesting his- tory. The date of e stablishing of the University is consid- ered to be 1579. During the next 420 years, it has experi- enced many turning points: the impact of Poland, Soviet- ization and the occupation of Nazi Germany. The Univer- sity experienced many difficulties during the Nazi occupa- tion - it was closed. So Vilnius University was opened again after Germany's surrender and began to back on par with Soviet institutions. During the Soviet Union, it was consid- ered the second best university after the Lomonosov Mos- cow State University. In 1990, after Lithuania gained its in- dependence, the University was awarded the status of au- tonomy and began a new life [2][3]. Now it is the largest university in Lithuania with the stu- dent body of 23000, a thousand and more of them are in- ternational students. Among the 1300 academic staff, more than 250 are doctors, and about 500 are candidates of sci- ences. Since its foundation in the 16th century, Vilnius Univer- sity, as an integral part of European science and culture has represented the concept of a traditional university and the unity of research and inventions. Vilnius University is a classical school with over 430 years of academic tradition and a wide range of training programs in Lithuania. The University of Vilnius has 12 faculties, eight institutes, ten study and research centers, the oldest Library in Lithuania, three university hospitals, an Astronomical Ob- servatory, a Botanical Garden, a Centre of Information Tech- 40 nology Development. The graduates of the University can be found in any sci- entific institution, any school and prestigious companies. Every third resident of Lithuania, having higher education, is a graduate of the University of Vilnius. Its professors and teachers give lectures at universities in the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Sweden, Japan, in contact with colleagues in Poland, the Czech Republic. Vilnius University is an active member of the international scientific and academic activities and has many leading scientists, professors, and alumni. Scientific growth and expansion of relations with global research centers have contributed to numerous research and studies at Vilnius University. The University offers academic environment focused on excellence in research and teaching. With the support of the social partners, the university teaches global-minded professionals who have successfully integrated into the modern European community. Vilnius University is the first in Lithuania by the national rankings. It is the most famous and most recognized institution of higher education among Lithuanian students. VU jumped up by 13 ranking positions and made it to the top 20, ranking in the 19th place. Following the compre- hensive world university ranking 2015/2016, published by "QS World University Rankings" in September, VU improved its position to 501-550 from the 551-600 position previously [1]. International activity is an important element of Vilnius University's system, allowing academic staff and students of the university to stay globally engaged and well pre- pared for future challenges. Vilnius University cooper- ates with educational foundations, networks, and asso- ciations, businesses around the world. The collaboration includes incoming and outgoing student mobility, staff mobility, research and development activities, regional development of cooperation and development of educa- tion. Since 1991, the University of Vilnius has been a Signa- tory to the Magna Charta of European Universities. The University is a member of the European University Asso- ciation (EUA), European Association for International Edu- cation (EAIE) and the Conference of Baltic University Rec- tors. Vilnius University participates in Utrecht, UNICA, ISEP networks and maintains close cooperation with the uni- versity networks in the USA, Australia and other conti- nents.