¹ 6 ( 6 ) 2015
Ұсынылған ғылыми мақалада автор жаратылыстану ғылымдар қатарына жаңа ғылыми бағыт - эология ілімін енгізуді ұсынады . Эология табиғи және антропологиялық эологиялық материалдың субареалды тасымалдану заңдылықтарын , олардың құрылымын , экожүйеге , ландшафтқа әсерін зерттейді , эологиялық үдерістердің топырақ пен ландшафтқа , халық шаруашылығы мен адам өміріне әсерін азайту жолдарын , топырақ пен жер қабаттарын қорғау тәсілдерін зерделейді .
Doctor of geographical sciences , professor , State university named after Shakarim of Semey , Kazakhstan
В научной статье автор предлагает внедрение нового научного направления " эолология " в системе естественных , в том числе и географических наук . Эолология изучает причины и закономерности процессов субаэрального переноса эолового материала природного и антропогенного происхождения и состава , их влияние на экосистемы , ландшафты и их компоненты , пути предотвращения и снижения до минимума влияния эоловых процессов на почвы и ландшафты , народное хозяйство , условия жизни человека , методы охраны почв и грунтов .
In the scientific article author are proposing a new direction in natural and geographic sciences system - Eolology . Eolology investigates the reasons of eologic material subaeral transfering and their impacts to ecosystem , landscapes and their components , main ways of impact ' s lowering of eologic processes to landscapes , national economy , human ' s life ' s condition , also methods of soil security
In recent decades , much attention has been paid to the study of various exogenous processes in general denudation of the earth ' s surface , reducing soil fertility . Here are important new concepts , methodological approaches and research areas . Recall that the concept - a " form of thinking , which reflects the essential properties , connections and relationships of objects and phenomena . The basic concepts of logic function - the total allocation , which is achieved by means of distraction from all the features of the individual objects of this class . " ( Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary . Publishing house " Soviet Encyclopedia ", Moscow , 1982 ).
Considering the questions of theorizing in geography , N . K . Mukitanov ( 1984 ) notes : " The whole set of existing modern geography attempts to theorize it , in our opinion , it is possible , on the basis of their intrinsic nature , attributed either to trends or to forms of theorizing . At the same time , to the trends or , in their more advanced forms , to tendencies , ( underlined by M . B .), we refer those attempts which are focused on the development of the methodological framework of the process of theorizing , and attempts to a particular implementation of this plan we reckon as forms ... Component form is characterized by the fact that the individual components of geographical knowledge are theorized "[ 1 ].
Our proposed new line below , obviously , can be attributed to the expansion of scientific knowledge and trends of physical geography ( new direction ). The first approach to this issue , the author implemented 25 years ago in the article " Eolology - object status and problems " in the collection of " environmental management ". - Alma-Ata , Izd " Kaynar ", 1990 , p . 10-49 .
Based on this trend - the study of aeolian processes was initiated following scholars : Berg , D . Nalivkin , B . A . Fedorovich , M . P . Petrov , A . G . Gael , T . F . Yakubov A . Babayev , M . I . Dolgilevich , L . B . Aristarkhova , M . K . Suleimenov , I . S . Zonn , Al . A . Grigoriev , B . Rozanov , V . A . Nikolaev , A . A . Chibilev V . K . Savostianov , K . S . Hookahs , G . S . Bush , O . E . Semenov , N . Sazhin , N . G . Harin , E . I . Shiyatov , M . E . Belgibaev , H . H . Bennett , G . Conca , A . Bertrand , R . A . Bagnold , V . S . Chepil and others .
The system of natural and geographical sciences , a new scientific direction - " Eroziology ." Under this name , M . N . Zaslavsky ( 1983 ) published a textbook for high schools . [ 2 ] In the same paper he cites the terminology of soil erosion
and deflation , and offers as opposed to " Eroziology " term - " deflyatsiology ." The term " deflation " is translated from the late Latin means blowing , waving sedimentary rocks and soil by wind , i . e , we are talking mainly about the process of destruction . It is well known that deflation ( blowing ) is just one of the terms of aeolian processes . The term " deflation " are not part of the processes of aeolian transport and deposition of material ( sedimentogenesis ) in other areas , and the work produced by the wind varied in different natural zones and landscapes . The term " deflation " and " deflyatsiology " do not reflect the essence of the entire mechanism of the wind on the Earth ' s surface . In this regard , we propose a new research direction ( concept ) " eolology " in the natural and geographical sciences . Eolology studies the causes and patterns of migration subaerial processes ( separation , transport and accumulation ) aeolian material of natural and anthropogenic origin and composition , their impact on ecosystems , landscapes and their components , ways to prevent and minimize the impact of aeolian processes in the soil and landscapes , the economy conditions of human life , methods of protection of soils . Eolology , as one of the branches of physical geography , is closely related to other sciences - from geomorphology , soil science , geobotany , meteorology , landscape science and other sciences and scientific directions ( Table . 1 ) Table 1 Eolology ' s relationships with other sciences and scientific directions
Geoecology Geobotany
Agrobiologist Agroforestry
The doctrine of aerosols Agriculture
Physical Geography
pedology Stepevedenie geomorphology arid geomorphology Klimatlogy meteorology LANDSCAPE
Speaking about eolology , we mean natural aeolian processes , as well as anthropogenically caused and greatly strengthened in the past decade ( agricultural and industrial