EURASIAN EDUCATION №5 2016 | Página 126

¹ 5 ( 12 ) 2016
D E A R C O L L E A G U E S !
Educational and scientific center " Erudit " continues accepting works of scientists and educators for publication in international scientific journal " Еуразия білімі . Eurasian education . Евразийское образование " ( certificate on registration of a periodical printed publication № 14770-F from 11.14.2014 , issued by the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan )
Periodical edition is published once a month in the Kazakh , Russian and English . Thematic focus of the journal publications is scientific , methodical , educational and informational and advertising ( for educational and scientific institutions ). Area of journal ' s distribution - the Republic of Kazakhstan , CIS countries , near and far abroad .
The journal publishes scientific research articles , methodological developments and projects of scientists , competitors , doctoral , masters , teachers - teachers , trainers , managers and employees of institutions of Education and Science of Kazakhstan , the Eurasian Economic Community , the CIS , Ukraine , Georgia , Turkey , China and the European Union .
Works accepted for publication in the journal - scientific , methodological articles , studies , essays , lesson development , written in Kazakh , Russian , English and other languages in the following areas : Natural Sciences ; Humanitarian sciences ; Social Sciences ; Technical sciences ; Economic sciences ; Pedagogical sciences ; Issues of The Education .
Each author may submit no more than two works in one issue of the journal . Works written in collaboration are accepted together with the author ' s works . The number of authors should not exceed 5 people .
The text of the work should be at least 2 ( two ) and no more than ten ( 10 ) pages , typed in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman 12 pin , with a single line spacing , on a standard A4 page with a border around the edges - to the left - 3 cm , right - 1,5 cm , top and bottom of the page 2 cm , with indention of 1 cm . From the middle of the page in bold indicate the author ' s name ( in full ), the name of his place of work ( study ), position and regalia . Job title is written in a middle of the page in bold . The text of the work is written after the title with a single-spaced interval . The list of references is written in the end . Literature is specified in the order mentioned in the text of the paper , in the case of quotations necessarily in square brackets indicate the source page ( example : [ 1 , 256 ]). All drawings , maps , photographs , tables , charts , formulas , other Illustrations and inserts are recommended to perform using computer editors and post the article as they are mentioned . If the work is written in a language other than Kazakh , Russian and English , the work should include a brief abstract , written in English or Russian ( Kazakh ) language .
The Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish works that do not meet the content requirements of the subject of the journal and to the design of the works , as well as that works , which are contrary to the content of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
Work for publication in the international scientific and methodological , pedagogical journal " Еуразия білімі . Eurasian education . Евразийское образование " are accepted in electronic form with contact information of the author ( s ) by e- mail eruditgroup @ gmail . com .
Together with the work of the authors should make their photos in electronic form ( scanned copy of the photos is allowed in the format JPEG ). Photo of the author must be of good quality , made in the form of portrait photography 5x6 , if the authors of three ( 3 ) or more persons , is accepted to send one collective picture taken against a plain , light background . Low quality photos , as well as those where can not distinguish the faces of the authors , not accepted for publication . All authors will receive a certificate of confirmation of the publication of their work in the international scientific journal
" Еуразия білімі . Eurasian education . Евразийское образование "
On all matters concerning the publication of papers in the journal " Еуразия білімі . Eurasian education . Евразийское образование " please contact the Educational Research Centre " ERUDIT " by phone :
8 ( 7222 ) 56-25-25 , + 77076594160 ( Azamat Azat ), + 77778543577 ( Arafat Mamyrbekov ) e-mail : eruditgroup @ gmail . com Editorial Office Address : 45 / 3 Uranhayev St ., Semey , 071400