THE ISSUES OF EDUCATION ¹2 (2) 2015 Мақала орта мектеп ұстаздарының көшбасшылық белсенділігін қолдау мәселелерін талқыға ұсынады. Мақалада орта мектеп ұстаздарының арасында таратуға болатын білім берудегі көшбасшылық рөлдер туралы заманауи зерттеулер ұсынылған. Статья выносит на обсуждение вопросы поддержки лидерства учителей в среднем образовании. В статье представлены современные исследования о лидерских ролях в образовании, которые могут быть распространены среди учителей средних школ. The article suggests a discussion of the importance of supporting teacher leader- ship in secondary education. It also explores the current research on leadership roles, which can be shared among secondary school educators. FARIT KHUSSAINOV Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Semey English teacher, M.Ed. AM I A TEACHER LEADER? SUGGESTIONS ON TAKING A LEADER'S ROLE AT SCHOOL The article suggests a discussion of the importance of supporting teacher leadership in secondary education. It also explores the current research on leadership roles, which can be shared among secondary school educators. Secondary school leaders, educators, parents, and other stakeholders who implement change at their schools need to realize that one of the areas of work of the school com- munity organized during the process of change is sharing leadership roles with the staff members who are capable of taking these roles. The principal of a school may find it challenging to implement changes without support of the members of their administration team. Moreover, when school administrators bring in new ideas to improve the educational process, teachers are the ones who may best provide the feedback to what is being implemented. There- fore, educators need to actively participate in the process of change implementation by taking leadership roles that will allow them to adjust and improve what is being imple- mented at their schools. There is a variety of leadership roles teachers can take. Some educators may realize that they have already been working toward becoming teacher leaders; others may find themselves capable of committing to such roles. In any case, it is important for teachers and administrators to remember that sharing leadership roles will greatly improve the edu- cational process and contribute to the implementation of change at schools. Harrison and Killion (2007) describe some of the roles for teacher leaders in their article, published in September issue of Educational Leadership journal. The authors offer such roles like a resource provider, when teachers "help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources"; an in- structional specialist who assists in using effective teach- ing methods; a curriculum specialist who leads educators in following the curriculum, using "common pacing charts", and organizing "shared a