Pol ³ t ³ cal sc ³ ence ¹ 2 ( 2 ) 2015
Postgraduate student ( MA ) Department of Politics , University of Sheffield ( United Kingdom ).
Мақала саяси жаһандану құбылысының мәнін түсіндіруді көздейді . Саяси жаһандану , автордың пікірінше , қажетті құбылыс . Автор бұл тұжырымын дәлелдейтін дәйектер ұсына отырып , әлемдік саяси , экономикалық және әлеуметтік жүйеге ынтымақтасуды жекелеген мемлекеттер мен ұлттардың келешек дамуының бірден бір факторы ретінде қарастырады .
Статья имеет цель разъяснить сущность политической глобализации в современном мире . Политическая глобализация , по мнению автора , является необходимым и неизбежным явлением . Автор выдвигает аргументы в пользу данного утверждения и рассматривает интеграцию во всемирную политическую , экономическую и социальную систему как одно из ключевых факторов развития отдельных стран и наций .
The main aim of this article is to explain and evaluate different views towards the value of the expression of political globalization . Author then offers arguments supporting the notion that political globalization is a much needed phenomenon , insofar as interdependence is more profitable for states , hence the integration into the global economic , political and even social system is a key aspect in the development of nations .
Currently , countries around the world are more closely connected than ever before . The key reason underlying this can be attributed to the interconnectedness of the political and economic systems of these countries . This notion of global interconnectedness has given rise to the term ' globalization ', the beginning of which dates back , according to some scholars , to at least two hundred years . The key question posed , however , is how can we define and explain the concept of globalization comprehensively ? Globalization is a reality of our day , and all the states around the world are more or less involved in it . In other words , globalization is a complex political , economic , cultural process that is changing the world significantly and sometimes unpredictably . It is also the process of global economic , political and cultural integration and unification . The main consequence of globalisation is the global division of labour , the transfer of capital and resources on a global scale , the standardization of legislation frameworks and the economic and technological processes , as well as the convergence and fusion of cultures of different countries . Globalisation is thus a process that is covering all aspects of society . As a result of globalization , the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all of its ' parts '. Globalisation is also promoted by the existence of an increasing number of problems , the solution for which requires the cooperation of states on a global scale . This consequently leads to an expansion of the number and types of global integration . The modern state is a political institution , which has the highest jurisdiction over the whole of its territory . Thus , the traditional concept of state sovereignty is based on territorial geography . Historically , sovereignty is characterized by the following features . Firstly , a sovereign state has the highest political power and monopoly on the legitimate use of force within its territory to protect the power at the domestic level and to prevent any interference from outside . Secondly , the state designs its foreign policy independently and regulates the movement across its borders . Third , a sovereign state is recognized by other states as an independent entity , free from external interference in its affairs . Consequently , sovereignty is directly related to the notion that states are autonomous and independent from each other . However , the global politico-economic system with its current parameters affects the sovereignty of nation states . Political globalization transforms the modern world order by reconstructing traditional forms of nationhood and rearranging international political relations . Political globalization " refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism ( in which the United Nations plays a key role ), toward an emerging ' transnational state apparatus ,' and toward the emergence of national and international nongovernmental organizations that act as watchdogs over governments and have increased their activities and influence ". This explanation sheds more light on the concept of political globalization . Thus , in the context of this definition , it is necessary to understand the role that a sovereign state plays among the many international regimes and organizations that have been created to manage the entire transnational activities and collective policy issues . Many of these international organizations have been characterized by a new terminology as intergovernmental organizations ( IGO ) and international non-governmental organizations ( INGO ). During the 20th century , the number of both IGOs and INGOs increased considerably from 37 to 1760 IGOs and from 1830 to 38 243 INGOs respectively . In addition , the political interconnectedness can be demonstrated through activities of key international policy-making forums , including the UN , the summit of G7 ( a group of seven leading industrialized nations ), the IMF , the WTO , the EU and others .
Given the aforementioned , it is apparent that political globalization has been growing both in its depth and breadth . However , at the same time , the national governments have been increasingly limited by the global and multi-layered management system . Furthermore , some scholars argue that not all states benefit equally from political globalization , since the most powerful states play a significantly bigger role than other countries in political globalization ; hence , these states are able to design or even manipulate the whole system of global governance for their own benefit . In this regard , Ikenberry argues that globalization is related to the hegemony of the US since " economic relationships always bear the imprint of powerful states ".
The negative consequences of globalization are numerous . Amongst the most pronounced ones in this regard are an increased vertical differentiation of society , where the freedom of some exists at the expense of suppressing the freedom of others , where democracy is narrowed and intensified , where the oligarchy limits the rights of employees by reducing their real income and their living standards . One has to highlight the possibly inhumane nature of globalization , in order to be able to give it a " human face ". To ensure the democratization of the assertion of the rights