EURASIAN EDUCATION №1 2015 | Page 31

Shakarim Semey State University Doctor of historical sciences , professor
PhD student of Comparative history , Dokuz Eylul University , The Republic of Turkey , Izmir
Мақала Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың бастамасымен қабылданған " Қазақстан - 2050 " стратегиясының Қазақстан білім беру жүйесін дамыту жөніндегі міндеттерін жүзеге асыру мәселесіне арналған . Авторлар өндірістік білім беру үрдісін жүзеге асырумен айналысатын оқу орындарында дуальды оқыту жүйесін ендірудің артықшылықтары туралы сөз қозғайды .
В статье рассматриваются вопросы реализации задач Стратегии развития Казахстана " Казахстан - 2050 ", инициированной Президентом РК Нурсултаном Назарбаевым , в части развития системы образования Казахстана . Авторы рассматривают эффективные стороны системы дуального обучения , внедряемого в учреждениях реализующих практику производственного обучения на основе мирового опыта .
The scientific article deals with a strategy program " Kazakhstan - 2050 " of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and basic requirements of mastering a new innovative technology in the sphere of education and science in the Law of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and analyses realization of this process from many sides . Also it theoretically considers effective sides of the education method " Dual system " in educational institutions which is innovative education in development of industrial training based on the world experience .


Introduction : Nowadays innovation and modernization of education and science became main directions . Annual development of human society and more inventions of new technology charge an education sphere with new obligations . One of the main nowadays obligations when independent development of our country is clarified and view of our people about the history is known from new side is " development of education by a new innovational way ". Innovation of education is one of the main processes as undertaking in development of the State in world economy and in strengthening of the State . Entering of innovative processes is clarified based on mutual connection : by peculiarities of entered technology ; innovative possibilities of innovators ; ways of innovations entering . A new innovative teaching technology is a special kind of professional activity . It is necessary to attract a great pedagogical experience in order to master a technology of innovative teaching . Let ' s consider the term " Innovation " in making the education innovated : ( from Latin . " novatio ", " to renew " (" to change "), " in ", " to direct ", a full meaning with translation " Innovatio " - " to direct to changes ") - " be renewed , be changed ". Innovative phenomena spread widely in the sphere of education in 1980s of the last century . This process is clarified by result of human intellectual activity , inventions of creative innovations . Also , " innovation " appears in cross point of several key problems and strongly directed to solution of a new target , and also leads a pedagogical phenomenon to renew constantly [ 1 ]. On this base mastering of new technology and using it in production sphere taking a sample from world experience is charging the sphere of education with new obligations .
A main target of education is clarified as follows in the State program devoted to development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020 : " A general target of educational reforms in Kazakhstan is adaptation of an educational system to a new social and economical environment . Successful economy of the future will be the investors who make investments for successful education , for habits and ability of people . It is necessary to understand that education is not only expenses for social necessities but also economical investments . There should be methods based on education Economy and society and lifetime teaching based on education should be the methods of solution of problems of competitiveness and usage of new technologies and improvement of social unity and life quality " [ 2 ] saying like this and clarifying importance of development of education for development of nowadays society and the State he charges with several obligations for the benefit of education development . The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N . A . Nazarbaev givinf prevalence to the sphere of education in his annual Message in order to make all conditions for improvement of young people ' s education and qualification said in his Strategy of " Kazakhstan-2050 ": " Our young people must master knowledge , new science and knowledge , get new skills and use knowledge and technology skillfully and effectively in daily life . For this we have to do all possibilities and provide with the most convenient conditions ...." " Our main target is - to form a consolidited society by 2050 based on strong State , developed economy and overall labor . A strong State is very important in order to provide urgent economic growing " [ 3 ] saying like this he charged with exact targets in order Kazakhstan will enter the highly developed 30 states . It is known that successful realization of the said directions is clarified first of all only by quality of education . Therefore in recent years a problem of renovation of our country ' s education system is always in the agenda of the day including the problem of teaching period , to make a system of secondary education according to educational standards and new programs based on new technology and a project of course books which are analyzed in all levels . These changes in secondary education sphere make their influence on pedagogical education system and pedagogical education institutions which started to direct to consider Орта білім саласындағы осы өзгерістер педагогикалық