Eunoia 1 | Page 14

EUNOIA " Compassion is the wish M A K E M E G O D to see other free from suffering" ‐ Dalai Lama O R G I V E B E T T E R M E O N E ! A By Neelu Agarwal, Kolkata Toastmasters Club When I was a little girl, something made me believe that being in the elusive position of God was accessible. With each act of kindness, I would start to accumulate brownie points and when they are enough as per some unknown standard, I would get to play God too! It could have been a figment of my imagination, my theory or the foul play of my mother who gave me the incentive to be good all through my childhood. The belief in finding goodness in everything however remained with me. I developed an innate nature to delve into the mindset of the person being unfair, thinking about all the viciousness, where it came from when God did make everyone good. Abusive behavior in my opinion therefore stemmed from inferiority. A person who is self sufficient in the truest sense wouldn’t need any reason to make him sound better. 14 | EUNOIA | SEP 2016 So, this is for Gods, agreed, the good and the bad of lives are as per one’s own karma but it wouldn’t harm to be a little helpful each time. Just as a knowing parent who favours the weaker kid, help those who need you or vacate for those who plan to be kind to vie for your post!