EU Leadership Magazine EU_EssLeadershipMag_Issue42_King_Cover | Page 9
Samantha Davis
f you were to ask Samantha about quits, ask yourself (no matter what expensive, put a lot of pressure on me
her journey in creating a thriving it is), ‘What’s this supposed to teach to fi nd the right balance to keep my
dōTERRA ® business, particularly about me? What can I learn?’ If you have family and my business nurtured.”
roadblocks and obstacles she’s tackled that kind of mentality, you’ll be many and overcome, her response would times better because of it.” How can fi rst be, “How much time do you have?” someone develop this perspective You name it, and she’s experienced it. in their daily life? Samantha focuses “I’ve had it all. I’ve had serious health on self-improvement: “I know I can issues. I’ve been a single mom—I still always be better. Every roadblock I’ve am. I became homeless in my third ever encountered is less about the year with dōTERRA when my ex and I problem and more about me and how separated. I had nowhere to go with I react to it. I can control myself and my son. I’ve had a lot of people quit. my reactions, and I won’t let these I’ve had close relations sabotage my situations break me.” you,” she says. This is apparent in how
Entirely smooth sailing has rarely what matters most to her; in addition
business. I’ve dealt with new markets.
I’ve received negative online press from
local community blogs that caused my
class to drop from 35 RSVP to two.”
been a part of her life or her business.
Samantha elaborates, “There have
been points when I felt like if I was
It has taken great strides to get
where she is, and Samantha wouldn’t
have it any other way. She has achieved
much on her dōTERRA journey and
hopes others will join her on the
path of independence. “What I’ve
found—that has been a game-changer
for me—is that you need to align
yourself with what truly matters to
Samantha has aligned her life with
to her work as a dōTERRA leader,
she serves women as a doula and a
women’s wellness expert.
However, Samantha is not someone giving my business my all, it would to let diffi cult experiences block her thrive but my family and personal life “Don’t overcomplicate the work. Stick to
path. “I’ve always had the mindset would struggle. Then there were times the system. You don’t need to reinvent
that when you ask big things of when I honored more commitments to the wheel completely—you just need
life, you’re given big obstacles to my loved ones and myself, but then my to put your own spin on it. And always
overcome.” She continues, “If no one organization suff ered. Living as a single treat the inevitable roadblocks as
shows up to a class or a qualifi er mother in California, which is wildly opportunities to assess and grow.”
In Samantha’s mind, part of the mission of every leader
is to work with others to become better versions of
themselves. “Wherever I can, I off er love, support, and a
whole lot of patience. Patience is essential because you’re
supporting them in reaching their goals. Place them in
your business based on their goals, not yours. The rest is
up to them, not you.”
Rather than be set on a specifi c end result, Samantha
advocates, “You have to detach yourself from the
outcome. With others, you’re working by their side in
the trenches every step of the way toward improvement.
Being side by side with your team in the trenches is
what leadership means to me.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on