EU Leadership Magazine EU_EssLeadershipMag_Issue42_King_Cover | Page 13
Lison Guérette-Capony and David Mondor
A Path to Freedom
or Lison and David, “dōTERRA ® from my passion.” And for Lison, “I work a lot with my husband, and his
is not a just a gift of the earth— that has made all the diff erence. “I’m support means the world to me. This
working now in a fi eld that refl ects is a family business; both of my kids
it’s a gift from heaven.”
There was a point when Lison faced
complete burnout. She recalls, “My
body and my mind were so exhausted.”
Lison felt hope that she could fi nd
answers through natural health.
She says, “I was always taught that
it was my responsibility to take care
of my health and utilize the treasures
found in nature. Focusing on natural
health and developing new products
using my essential oils were ways to
express my creativity and to improve
my self-care. It helped pull me away
my internal values, and I don’t get
tired as easily. On the contrary, I feel
energized, even if I work way more
than before. It’s fulfi lling.”
opportunity that dōTERRA off ers. She
my qualifi ers. As the saying goes, ‘If you
Lison tries to pass on her passion for go far, go together.’ Always remember
this business, as well as the incredible to ask for help when you need it. One
blessing it’s been in her life, to of the biggest strengths of dōTERRA
everyone she can. “When I welcome is its strong community. Utilize it
someone on my team, I strive to see
what they have—their potential. And
whenever you can.”
when they experience challenges, I dōTERRA has made all the diff erence
try to help them discover their unique for Lison and David. “We’ve
strengths to overcome their diffi culties. experienced total freedom and so
strengths and unique voices. I consider
Later, Lison discovered the business
I would never be where I am without
want to go fast, go alone. If you want to
I let them see what I see in them: their
from the burnout.”
have helped me with the oils. Likewise,
it a privilege to be involved in lifting
others every day.”
many blessings from this business. We
now want everyone and their teams to
experience this freedom—it’s what we
work for. We see all they have to off er
says excitedly, “I couldn’t believe that it For Lison, she knows that a strong the world and want to see them shine,
was possible for me to get an income support system is key. She mentions, fl ourish, and expand.”
There’s great value in the act of giving. By giving and sharing, we are restored.
There are a couple of key ways that you can give:
Share your knowledge with those on
your team who are struggling.
Give samples! They can bless the lives of
others and give them the unique experience of
dōTERRA’s powerful essential oils.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on
Images by Claudine Chaussé