Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond JauChing Lai YARROW POINT , WASHINGTON , USA
In my experience , leadership grows by hosting essential oil parties . Once you ’ ve established trusting , caring relationships and have shown a passion for the oils , people will be excited to participate . The more parties you hold , the better , as these experiences will create stronger confidence in you as a great , invested leader .
What has your journey to Presidential Diamond been like ?
My journey to Presidential Diamond took longer than I expected . Initially , I built the majority of my dōTERRA ® business in China , and I was so lucky my first five legs came quite easy . After that , I met many people who loved the products but who either didn ’ t have the time to build a business or didn ’ t want to be pushed . So it took a lot more time to build a solid team for my sixth leg .
I had to push myself the six months before I reached Presidential Diamond . Part of my approach was to start a new Names List and reconnect with people . I ’ ve found a lot of new members that way , and it helped me feel rejuvenated and excited about the business again . I finally felt like I could reach Presidential Diamond . Every week , I held team meetings and discovered that sharing my excitement for recruiting new members inspired my team to reach out to new people and not get stuck on those who weren ’ t progressing or interested in the business .
One of the biggest lessons I ’ ve learned in building my business is that essential oils are the key . Focus on applying essential oils to the head , shoulders , neck , spine , palms , and soles . Show enthusiasm for the oils , as that will grow enthusiasm for the entire team . I strongly believe that essential oils can change people ’ s lives in many different ways — all for the better .
How do you encourage leaders to become more independent ?
I focus on helping them change their mindsets . First , leaders need to understand that this job is about relationships and wellness education . When they understand that they ’ re helping and encouraging people , mindsets shift . I also encourage them to treat customers like friends and family . Kindness brings light and brightens your team , and then more people are willing to follow you .
What advice do you have for someone trying to reach Presidential Diamond ?
For me , leading my team is like leading my family . I raise leaders like I raise kids . Each leader is on a different level and needs help in unique ways . Some leaders do it all by themselves , while others lack confidence and need support .
A good leader is a role model . Show your builders how hard you work . The more effort you give , the more often you ’ ll succeed . A good leader also needs to discover the talents of every builder . I believe everyone is uniquely talented . Amplify your builders ’ strengths in front of everyone . Then set the example of successful building so your leaders can follow you . I ’ m fortunate so many outstanding leaders are my coaches . David Hsiung , Charles Wang , and Julene Martindale are incredible role models who always help me when I need them . They also encourage me to continue to grow . I try to do the same for my team .
How do you balance your business and your family ?
With teams in different cities , I was traveling a lot . I had to ensure the kids knew I cared about them dearly , even though I was away so often . After my two older children left for college , my youngest son was always home and felt lonely . I ’ ve focused on helping him feel important . One of the things he especially likes is getting a massage whenever I ’ m home — back , head , or spinal treatment . It ’ s our routine . I try to maximize the time with him .
My son is wonderful . He understands that he ’ s making sacrifices to help other people . It ’ s because of his support that I ’ m able to help so many others .
At this stage in your business , what motivates you to continue building ?
For me , sharing essential oils is my mission . I ’ m so blessed by the oils . Spreading them to the world has given me a mission . I ’ m grateful to dōTERRA for changing my life and giving me the opportunity to help many people change their own lives .
“ There ’ s no shortcut to reach Presidential Diamond . Be a role model and work harder than others . Success in this business has nothing to do with background , education , wealth , or public speaking ability . The more we apply essential oils , the easier it is to succeed .”— JauChing Lai
6 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JAN | FEB | MAR 2021 Cover Image and Article Image by DingJi Beijing Studio