eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 9

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lifelong Learning in the Learning Lab by Arjana Blazic What I like about eTwinning is not only the opportunity to connect my students with their peers but also the opportunity to grow professionally. Continuing professional development can be pursued in workshops, seminars and conferences organized by eTwinning Central Support Service and National Support Services in different countries all around Europe, but also online, in eTwinning Groups, Teachers' Rooms and Learning Events. While all of these activities provide eTwinners with amazing opportunities for both professional and personal growth, I am especially fond of Learning Events. Learning Events are short online course aimed at improving your skills and putting you in touch with other eTwinners. They take place in a specially designed platform called the Learning Lab. Learning Events are organized all year round and focus on a wide range of topics from subject-specific to more general ones. It is really easy to apply for participation in a Learning Event. The link to the application form will appear on your Desktop a week before the event starts. If you are accepted, you will receive your login and password details which will open the door to at least ten days of intensive learning and connecting with like-minded teachers from across Europe. Up to now, I have taken part in several events as a participant, but in March 2013 I was given a wonderful opportunity to run my very own Learning Event as an expert teacher along with Bart Verswijvel, Pedagogical Adviser at the Future Classroom Lab, a blogger with his, NSS for Belgian eTwinning and my ”partner in crime” in many educational projects. Bart and I strongly believe that technology is not a mere replacement for the traditional way of learning and teaching, but that it should be used as a means to redefine new tasks and new ways of learning. This new, redefined and transformed use of technology can perfectly be integrated in eTwinning projects because eTwinning provides teachers with a solid framework which enables them to enrich students' learning experience and to promote the development of the 21st century skills through a seamless integration of technologyenhanced learning. That is the reason why we designed our very own learning event about the pedagogical value of eTwinning projects, fondly nicknamed 'A Learning Odyssey', because we wanted to take our participants (all 150 of them) on a journey where they would acquire the skills to carefully navigate through the sea of available web 2.0 tools, select the ones that hold the strongest pedagogical value and use them in different educational settings. The emphasis was placed on the pedagogical use of new technologies that stimulate the acquisition of the key pillars of the 21st century education: critical thinking, collaboration, citizenship and assessment and self-regulation, which are essential for preparing students for their future life and career. Most of the activities that we designed for our participants were asynchronous. This meant that they worked on the tasks and went through the suggested readings at their own pace and whenever it suited them best. The participants eagerly contributed to all the activities. In only two days, for example, more t