Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finally we are a family of 38 eTwinners - almost all
eTwinning countries plus some guest nations,
including Russia, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Israel and the new eTwinning nations Azerbaijan
and Ukraine. We are part of an eTwinning project
with collaborative work beyond the frontiers of the
"virtual"! Thanks, eTwinning!
We are family and friends, and we give life
throughout the development of our work, the motto
of the European Union: "United in Diversity".
colleagues of my school team who helped me.
But what is eTwinning? It is a twinning program, a
platform, an interactive site which encourages
collaboration of European schools. It is a new way
to engage in international educational partnerships
using many forms of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT).
If you want to visit Schoolovision eTwinning project
this year, here is the site:
Europe is huge, but just a mouse click and it is
small and above all united. This is proved by the
thousands schools registered and that are joined to
one another by a range of different experiences
which allow them to interact at distance.
Italy, France, Poland, Spain or Czech Republic, it
does not matter if you have never met, what is
important is to start to work together, and above
all, you need a great deal of motivation. If you
believe in it, you will get excellent results.
eTwinning – Europe in a Click
by Domenico Marino
eTwinning - when six year