Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------writing poems in English, and embarrassed as I
think I could never write like the students involved
in this project.
Illusion of Love (poems about love) – written
by Ioana Bejan
In the smooth shadow of the twilight
I can feel your lips touching mine
But this is just the illusion of the light
Because your love is far away from me this time.
Life (collaborative poem) - written by Teodora
Benescu and Maria Voulgari
When I was a baby I could just cry
When I was a child I could just dream
When I became a teenager I could just love.
Ambition (sensory poem) – written by Ioana
Ambition is red like fire,
But it tastes like lemon sweets.
Ambition smells like sweat,
But it looks like a very proud child.
Ambition sounds like this child shouting:
Tree (shape poem) – written by Alexandra Ilascu
Hey, you! Stay with me!
Come, be in my family.
My daughters are my leaves
You will be my shadow, please!
The wind sings a song.
The music of many leaves
The rhythm of my colour, green,
The silence of Loneliness...
What can I do now?
Life is so short that I cannot breath
That I cannot stop and say "enough"
Because I want to be a child forever.
I cannot remain silent
and let others plan my future
I cannot live my life the way they want to
I cannot let time pass and wait for something magic
to happen
I want to live in a world of innocence
in a world without pain and sorrow
I want to love and to be loved
and be free to choose my life path.
After all, it is MY LIFE.
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