eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 45

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Students’ Corner: code and guess how does she/he look, what the favourite Subjects and leisure activities are and also the dreamed career. It was very funny, my partner Birsen from Adana, Turkey, guessed everything about me, but I made a mistake about her favourite sport… There Is No Place Like eTwinning, and No Space Like TwinSpace by Bianca Dimian The eTwinning project I participated in, Our Ideal European Neighbour, was one of the most interesting and educational projects I had the opportunity to take part in. First I liked the way we met children from other countries, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that they have activities and preferences as we, children of Romania, have. I felt very proud when we sent them the movie where our town was described and we, in our turn, watched with smiles on our faces presentations of cities in Turkey and Greece. I also liked a lot all the collaborative tools we interacted in, like Wallwisher, Micromobs, VoiceThread, but also taking photos and videos, the project’s Facebook page, the project flyer on Smore and, of course, the survey for the final module… my father was very happy to help me with it. Can I change my mind? The videoconference on Skype is definitely my favourite activity!!! We could finally see each other so close as if we were in the same room, we could talk and wish us happy summer holiday! The cookies and refreshments were also very good. Our team (as we call our class now) had the curiosity to ask what Mrs. Headteacher and Mr. Mayor think about the project, the one that captivated us since the beginning. They found the idea of the project wonderful and helped us with information about our school or our city. I would like to mention that the eTwinning project helped children in my class to know each other better, really developing team spirit and teamwork . My favourite activity was the starting one, the blazons activity, when we had to draw our blazon, then we should find our partner using his/her QR 45