Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eTwinning – A Breath of Fresh Motivation
by Ghionul Gogoasa-Gelal
How could I start sharing my eTwinning experience
with you? Maybe I should start by saying that I
have been part of the great eTwinning family since
2008, trying to have small projects, but the true
success as far as team, project, experience and
acknowledgements are concerned came in 2010
when I entered a great team and we started our
first project called “Intercultural Dialogue Through
Fairy Tales, Drama and Art”. There were 35 schools
from 33 European countries involved in the project
and it received The European Quality Label in 23
countries and the Mevlana Prize for Intercultural
Understanding in 2013 at the Annual eTwinning
Conference in Lisbon.
And I also continued in 2012 and decided to take
part in another project –“European Great Figures”about some of the national famous people of each
participating country, in this case 22 countries (the
same team). In each of the projects mentioned
above we used drama, we performed dances,
songs, traditions or presented famous people from
the partners’ countries, all these activities helping
the students have an intercultural dialogue.
These are the students who participated in this
awarded eTwinning project:
In all these three projects so far all the partners
worked together and created three books in
English: Once upon a time in Europe – 35 fairy tales
from 33 countries; European National Traditions –
28 national traditions; European Great Figures – 22
different national famous people. And we will not
stop here, because next year we intend to start
another project, with another very interesting
intercultural subject and with a new boost to my
own and my pupils’ motivation. All I can say is that
my eTwinning experience has been a great journey
that, luckily, has not ended!
This project was the first source of motivation for
me. I started seeing eTwinning projects from a very
different perspective, motivation being the main
thing that breathed new life into my teaching as
well as into my students .Teachers constantly have
to find ways to improve their teaching techniques,
to come up with fresh ideas to motivate themselves
but also to motivate their students to learn, in my
case English. I discovered that this can be easily
achieved through eTwinning projects. So I
continued motivating myself by starting another
project in 2011, with mostly the same members of
the 2010 team, a project named “National
Traditions, Songs and Dances”. There were 28
schools, each from a different European country,
involved and, again, it received the European
Quality Label in many of them.