Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Three student groups were formed. Each group
received a worksheet. I had created some QRCodes in square shape and they were stocked
inside our class on the walls, where the answers of
the questions on the worksheet could be found. The
groups could find the answers only by using iPad or
smart phone [I gave it to them]. They had to “scan”
the QR-Code to find the answer to their specific
question on their own worksheet. The whole
experiment lasted less than 15 Minutes. In the end
they ‘enjoyed‘ the homemade cake of a group as a
reward. (See the photos in our newspaper on p. 12
& 13)
The highlights of our project
Two events were the “highlights” of our project: 1)
the teleconference with our partner school (February
336938e4defddd56325cd9b0#player] and 2) the trip
to Munich/Germany for some of the Greek students
(documentation in our newspaper on p. 22-30)!
Tools & applications
Apart from video recordings & power point the
Greek students used the following applications:
The final outcomes
zeitung-etwinning-projekt-201213/0382490001369880668 (The Greek AND
the Turkish newspaper together!)
(only the Turkish newspaper)
9/etwinning-projekt-2012-13 (presentation
of our project in Greek) (Our
r-spring-etwinning (The poster specially
designed for the eTwinning “spring
enzeitung-e-twinningposter (A poster for
this project created by the student Gogo
More ways of participation and creation! [this project
was also a "virtual European e-class"-project
supported by the Research Center for Language
Teaching, Testing and Assessment, Faculty of
English Studies, National & Kapodistrian University
of Athens (RCeL)] more information :
It was a very fruitful exchange and cooperation with
the Turkish school. Both sides were very happy,
enthusiastic and satisfied with the collaboration and
that’s the reason we have already planned our next
common project.
Have a nice summer and stay eTwinned!