eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 32

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An Oscar for eTwinning by Petros Michailidis Undoubtedly what characterizes all eTwinning projects, beyond teachers' enthusiasm, is the quality of all these projects which are developed every year all around Europe. A quality certified with the national and European Quality Labels and through the national and European eTwinning contests. This high quality level makes eTwinning projects to be able to participate in various other international and European competitions and to elicit important distinctions, as happened in the contest Medea 2012. The project’s name is “… and the Oscar goes to …” and it’s a collaboration between Petros Michailidis from 5th Primary School of Alexandroupolis- Greece and Cristelle Vouillot from Ecole primaire de Rolambont-France and although it seems to be a project about movies this isn’t quite true. The main project’s idea was to incorporate the movies way of storytelling in everyday teaching practice and through that to stimulate students so as to be involved in a higher level in teaching and learning process. Thus, not only the usual school subjects such as language learning, mathematics, social and science studies, art, English and ICT, were taught during the scheduled activities but the creation of attitudes on contemporary issues such as how to handle bullying and hooliganism were addressed as well. Beyond those, the project not only gave the students the opportunity to learn how to express themselves in others beside the usual oral and written ways but also gave them the equipment and the necessary tools to do so as well. Three different eTwinning projects that participated in this contest succeeded to elicit important distinctions. The program "Forum of Generations @ School" was distinguished as Highly Commended project. The program "Schoolovision", which took the Audience Favourite prize. And "... and the Oscar goes to ...", which was the big winner of the competition winning the MEDEA 2012 contest at the "User Generated Educational Media" category. The idea for the development of such a project came by a combination of several factors. The will to change the traditional face to face boring teaching practice to one more exciting, the necessity to provide students with 21st century skills and their eagerness for hard work and experimentation and the creation of the consciousness of being a member of a wider than the local or national community, are some of the most important of them. Additionally , communication in an other than the mother tongue and th