Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eTwinning as a team
Working as a team could be difficult sometimes. We
have had some obstacles to pass and we have to
face some problems: clash of different
personalities, tasks not being completed on time
and frustration expressed between team members.
We manage to build rapport between teammates by
also doing fun project activities together:
individuals lose out in teams; no one loses in a
family. I think that makes eTwinning great for
everyone involved.
take part!), a well thought kit that guided us like
“the yellow brick road” to the final goal of the
project, a profile for an ideal citizen. Just like
Dorothy and her friends, we sometimes got lost,
but using a little creativity, a little imagination, a lot
of collaboration and some well chosen web 2.0
tools, the final was a happy one.
Participant schools: Şcoala Gimnazială Gh.
Magheru, Caracal, ROMANIA; 36th primary school,
Athens, GREECE; Cebesoy İlköğretim Okulu, Adana,
Step by step, during the 6 modules of the project,
developed between December 2012 and June 2013,
our students have created collaborativel