Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dogs are best friends of children and the most
loved pets. The aim of the project was learning
about dogs as friends of people in a funny and
interesting way according to Howard Gardner’s
Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Partners involved:
- Cornelia Melcu, Şcoala Gimnazială Nr.9 Nicolae
Orghidan Braşov, Brasov, Romania
- Jolanta Okuniewska, Szkola Podstawowa nr 13,
Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland
- Maria Dragos, “George Coşbuc” Middle School,
Baia Mare, Romania
- Alice Moreira Maia Neto, Centro Escolar de
Portela, Penafiel, Portugal
What did the pupils do?
The children learnt about dogs as mammals and
that various breeds have distinct characteristics
that might make one breed better suitable for a
particular family than another breed. They talked
about the roles of dogs in people lives. The
students learnt how to look after dogs. The project
gave them an overview of the responsibilities that
go along with dog ownership. The students who had
got a dog took pictures and wrote stories about
their pets. The students also learnt about dogs as
extraordinary working animals and understand each
individual’s responsibility to treat animals in a
human way. They met a vet and a policeman with a
dog on service. They learnt songs and rhymes
connecting to the topic. They read a story and a
poem in their mother tongue and in English about
dogs. They watched cartoons about Reksio the dog
and created new adventures of that character. They
met online using skype and google hangout.
They used TEACHERS section in the TwinSpace in
order to share useful kits, links and materials. They
met online using Skype , Facebook or Messenger.
They gave feedback about each activity delivered to
the class and they chose the best strategy and
methods for the next one. For making the project
more visible, they created a wiki site on wikispaces
where they uploaded all the products and the
materials related to the topic. The collaboration
helps a lot to organize the project better.They set
the aims and the plan of the project together.
Working as a team in an eTwinning project help us
gain experience and extend skills and bring
eTwinning closer to our school.
Why a successful project?
The “secret” was that the students were involved
from the first step of the project. They chose the
topic, the activities and the web 2.0 tools used.
They took photos and created slideshows or cards
using ImageChef, GifMaker, SlideServer,
PhotoSnack , SlideRoll , PictureTrail. They used
wikispaces, Speechable, Voki, Jigzone for creating
and presenting our activities. In order to create,
publish and share the e-book, they used Mixbook .
Every school recorded its performance, edited it as
a movie and uploaded the movie on YouTube or
Vimeo. The students were highly motivated
because they knew Polish and Portuguese partners
from some previous projects and the other partners
from the online meetings. They enjoyed the
activities and they worked in groups learning how
to share, collaborate, communicate and respect
each other. They made cards, paintings and
drawings. They played puzzles and took quizzes.
They danced and sang and they had fun. They were
working for creating the common final product- the
eBook and the calendar.
What did the teachers do?
The teachers had been collaborating from the first
step of the project: planning- using