eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 27

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------projects to sum up activities, to introduce our teams, countries, schools. Just try it, it is worth to start! hyperlinks, audio, video, and text), to collaborate and share with your partners in a simple and funny way, having fun all the time. What makes Glogster so amazing for me? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I suppose it is its art side. A very creative tool - you cannot only make posters but paint art canvases as a real artist. It inevitably gives a pleasure to the creator and to the audience who will find the information from the glog to be a piece of art. Not only beautiful, it is also an exclusively smart tool which brings you new points of view towards the whole educational approach in the classroom and beyond. I have created interactive textbooks and tests for kids on GlogsterEDU, set up a wiki with a great number of resources, flipped some of my classroom activities, made a Multilingual Classroom as a part of the Global Classroom. Glogster opens for me bright horizons and makes my teaching and students learning such an exciting and engaging activity as well. GlogsterEDU basic and premium accounts GlogsterEDU in eTwinning Projects - Use of Interactive Posters and GlogsterEDU Platform by Rositsa Mineva To use Glogster as a perfect web tool to create interactive posters, you need the free Basic version. Sign up on GlogsterEdu. How to create a glog? Look for free video tutorials on GlogsterEDU site and on glogster scoops, which are really awesome. If you need to make a project glog, just do it using a rich scale of media, text and links and share it (with a link or embed code) anywhere you like: in the TwinSpace, wiki, Facebook, everywhere your partners are. Glogs work well on any web platform and also with any smart tools. GlogsterEdu Basic is free for teachers, it gives awesome tools for creative learning but I recommend you to chose Glogster Edu Premium for some reasons. How does it start? It was 2009 when I started my partnership in my very first eTwinning project "Greetings from the world". It was launched in October 2009 by my colleague and good friend Arjana Blazic from Croatia. It was a very successful e-Twinning and Global project where students and teachers from 19 different countries and 6 continents collaborated and shared information about their countries using glogs. This project marked all my next ones with the label GlogsterEDU, because I never stopped using this amazing tool in all of my following eTwinning and Global projects. Just the perfect web 2.0 tool for me - the best one I have ever come across on the Internet, which will inspire you to create interactive posters (adding graphics, 27