eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 26

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zondle – Game-Based Learning by Jolanta Okuniewska My students love Zondle. They can choose their own avatars and customize them all the time. It is like living in a second world. I am very happy that I have discovered Zondle for my students and for myself. It has given me a new, fascinating way of teaching. Students of all ages can play any topic in any game, to support exactly their learning needs. What is Zondle? Zondle is a GBL (Game-Based Learning) platform focused on delivering game based learning environments for small kids but I can admit that also for big kids this platform is great opportunity to learn while playing. It helps teachers to track student progress and also help creating personalized learning environment. And it is great! Assignment and other activities are carried out through games and the content is delivered in form of questions and quizzes. To start off, you must sign in as a teacher. Then you are welcomed with a short tutorial that guides teachers with what all is possible with Zondle. Once you have decided as what you want to do, from the listed task options, you can press the ‘Get Started’ button and enter the main work area of Zondle. A teacher