eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 11

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You Live in eTwinning, and eTwinning Lives in You by Virgilio Iandiorio In cinematic language they would call this article for Newsletter 3 a retrospective, because it is the illustration of moments and aspects of my eTwinning experience, when my job is going to end at the school. Also I have come to Ithaca, as the veteran of the poetry of Constantine Cavafis. Ithaca as a metaphor of the school, so I too can say: Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage. / Without her you would have never set out on the road./ She has nothing more to give you. / And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you. / Wise as you have become, with so much experience,/ You must already have understood what Ithacas mean. I feel that eTwinning has given a meaning to my school experience in recent years, allowing me to discover the importance and beauty of the comparison, participation and sharing. Everything started as an amusement, because I interpreted eTwinning as a game, because the play is a primary and necessary condition of the generation of culture. A small high school in a village in the hinterland of Campania, where they teach Latin and ancient Greek, a mail box, sign up for the eTwinning program. One fine day the messages; colleagues available for partners! The first twinning was with Gimnazjum of Lebork (Poland), it lasted longer than we expected; the first interesting results. The pupils produced a guide in powerpoint of their respective provinces and three issues of a magazine online called Dialogos, made entirely by the students who, for the first time, tried to write and format a newspaper. The pupils exchanged e-mail and news about the organization of their schools, using only English as the language of communication. For the work done, thankfulness of the Polish Agency went to the partner school. From a common passion for Latin and Roman civilization a really exciting project was born with the Licée Pierre Caraminot of Egletons (France). The pupils found it interesting to work with peers from another country, to work on a project less attached to programs, assignments and tests, to practice Latin in a new and more alive form. Under their pressure, the project has taken two directions: work on the texts from Latin authors, and comparison of the lives of high school students in France and Italy. It was the beginning of the eTwinning action, and some difficulties presented themselves. The e-mail communication was not ideal, because it offered a confined, closed, discontinuous space, it did not allow access to a more appealing space. We thought to a more open way: the blog. In one year, there were over one hundred pu blished articles, with visits to the blog from all parts of the world. The project has produced revival of Latin renewed, rewarding work for pupils, feeling for a European identity beyond the geographical distances and cultural differences, and willingness to meet really. The Italian Agency LLP eTwinning in 2006 has so assessed the project: "What is interesting is the continuous juxtaposition of past and present: the graffiti of Pompeii are a pretext to start a trip (virtual) defined as "Iter Campanum"- the region where the Italian school is located - in which the pupils alongside descriptions of familiar landscapes and places with Latin texts of Cicero, Plautus, Apuleius and also other authors. The end result is a re-reading of the past through the lens of the present where there are notes of humour, as the imaginary restaurant "Le Forchette Caudine”. For each month on the left side of the blog page the monthly folders of student contributions French and Italian students’ contribution appeared, so for those who want to follow the entire course of the project from the beginning, they have to do click on these folders." The result of the intense collaboration with the Gimnazjum n. 2 of Strzelce Opolskie (Poland), Licée P. Caraminot of Egletons (France) and the Vidurine mokykla Kaunas (Lithuania) was the publication of a book containing 20 tales of the four countries, translated into the languages of the four countries and in English. At the completion of the book, printed by a newspaper of the province where the Italian school is located, over 70 students and ten teachers from the four schools gave their contribution. The book of over 200 pages is enriched by the drawings which illustrate the different fairy tales. They were made by the students of the Polish school. “Teachers for teachers” is the project with Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Szydłowie (Poland). It is a project only for teachers. We exchange information about our work at school. With Zespół Szkol w Kocku (Poland) on the theme: Our History and Traditions, has produced interesting research of the students, who have 11