Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------can alter, too. Optimism, pessimism, friendship and
misunderstanding can be seen throughout the
At the end of the seminar we decided to register all
the participants to Moreover,
we opted for opening a Facebook page for the
eTwinners in Bursa and we have 35 members in it
We share all the news and newly gained EeTwinning
Certificates of my teacher friends. Creating an idea
for a project or consulting more experienced
teachers, giving the dates of seminars and Learning
Labs on eTwinning are part of the information
shared on the page. I am the coordinator of the
page and welcome all eTwinners.
Not only I shared this information with my
students, but also with my colleagues in my
province. Elif Yaman Cal – eTwinning Coordinator of
Bursa City – organized an informative seminar for
new eTwinners. I was also the spokesperson for my
previous and new projects and tried to answer the
questions in their mind. That is why I would like to
thank Elif for her enthusiasm and ambition to go
further and further.
Consequently, eTwinning is giving me fresh air, and
I always need to tell what I know and learn, maybe
this is my mission for now. It cannot help but
adding that I am typing this article on my lovely
eTwinning computer that I received after my
successful project '' Me and My Town 2025'' in 2011
thanks to Ayse Saray and Mehmet Fatih Doger.