eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 38

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few months ago a Spanish colleague asked me to collaborate on a project about Latin. In turn, I addressed the invitation to the students of my class – related, age and curriculum, to the Spanish. Students have welcomed the proposal. I explained them my role, that I do not want them to be spectators but participants, involved in the enterprise of their own way: to try with the beauty of research, experience the thrill of the results and progress, find out things like the first time. What are the results? I cannot tell yet as it is still very early, because the work will officially start after the summer holidays. But this topic will be included in the third Newsletter, next year, provided that the excellent Daniela will set me aside some space in it. Every “Body” Language By Pinar Alniak Comlek Pinar Alniak Comlek is a teac \