eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 32

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------focused on children, on their well-being, to meet it, and together with it to become the school builder. Since forever I dreamed about a school made of new spaces and new horizons, and always felt that the school we have is too small and limited to the present days... Until four years ago... In 2009, the best thing that can happen to a teacher happened to me. During an ITC training, the trainer, an experienced eTwinner, spoke of her experience in eTwinning... Hearing her, I thought that this was the dimension I want for my students and my school... At the end of the session I asked her to speak to me more about eTwinning. It fascinated me. So, that Saturday night, when I got home and sat at my computer, I made my registration on the eTwinning platform, without really knowing what it was, without knowing what to do, without even imagining that there was an NSS also here in Portugal. confidence in themselves unusual for this age. It's great to hear this! For example one of the teachers was amazed because students 6 years of age already know that there are time zones and the hours are different from country to country. And the good thing about this is that they know this not because someone “taught" them, but because they experienced it, they learned in practice, when they made the video conferences with partners in other countries and they had to get to school early or stay late in order to find their friends. And in the school? Well, after many years of struggle, finally we have begun to breathe community and collaboration. However, there are no other eTwinners yet, because the ICT and the foreign language still frighten many teachers, but we are working on that too... Teamwork has already started, and I think in the next year it will be possible to start a project involving the whole school, or even better, all the school community. It is impossible not to. The children who have already experienced this European dimension, can no longer be closed again within the four walls of a school that can never be the same again. And step by step we enlarge our horizons and grow together. I discovered that day that eTwinning is for everyone and therefore could also be for me. And I fell in love. That year, in May, there was a meeting in Warsaw and I was able to participate. There everything changed. Besides the fascination that led me, I felt myself at home, happy, and made me commit myself even more. There I found partners who wanted to share this great adventure with me. And we recorded our first project, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", which won national prize 2010 in Portugal and second place in Poland. And other projects followed. "Our River" in 2010 marked the International Year of Biodiversity, "An Adventure with Chemistry" marked 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry, "Kindergarten without toys" marked 2012 as the International Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, and there were some more… But the best thing of all this, is to see that, even with an age range as small as preschool students, with eTwinning performance improved dramatically. eTwinning gives them security in the performance, makes them more selfconfident, more interested. And my colleagues in the 1st cycle, receiving “eTwinning” classes, began to say that these classes are better prepared, with children more mature, more informed, with a This is the new school I always dreamed about! To eTwinning, which has brought a new breath to my practice and allowed me to start building my dream, a huge thank you.Using the words of children: "A gigantic thankyou, a thankyou from here to the moon, a thankyou of the size of Heaven!" Thank you! 32