eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 31

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------brought us closer, allowing us to know each other better and helping us gain a better understanding of other countries and cultures. TED reinforced my belief that successful educational systems should focus on how to build inclusive schools; this is the only way that can lead to the creation of inclusive societies. TED discussions made it clear to me that assessment should encourage lifelong learning and not discourage teachers and students from educating themselves. Certain TED sessions showed me that teenagers deal with the same youth problems even in the most developed countries and convinced me that only through a well-designed educational system that provides equal opportunities for all would these problems be solved. Through TED, I was effectively transferred to various classrooms in Europe and the US, in urban, suburban and rural areas, and allowed to have a closer look at their educational practices and needs. All in all, these interactions convinced me that investing in education and training can really shape a country’s economy and future (and made me wonder why the people who govern my country have not realized that yet). Last but not least, through TED I managed to meet wonderful people, dedicated and creative teachers, make new friends and find new partners for my future eTwinning projects. In closing, I would like to say that TED is the most successful and effective example of collaborative learning that I know of and it has been a joy to be a part of it. It provided us with collaborative knowledge and peer-learning. We learnt by ‘teaching’ others, by doing things together, by discussing, by solving problems and by doing research in groups. TED definitely showed us the way to the future classroom, where we would all like to teach, where technology will be the medium, teachers will be the guides and students will learn through interaction, collaboration and through sharing their knowledge with their peers. So, if you do come across the next year’s announcement for TED 2013, you should definitely apply for it without second thought! It will be your ticket to cross the Atlantic and your chance to have an unforgettable experience. It Is Not Magic, It Is eTwinning! By Maria Luz Borges Maria Luz Borges is from Lisbon, Portugal. She is a kindergarten teacher at E.B1/ JI São Bento in Valejas. She enjoys what she does, she also loves reading, writing, laughing, travelling, cats and eTwinning, which has brought a new breath into her teaching life. Since forever I dreamed of flying... Since forever I tried to live well every moment of my life, without staying in one place only, and always going one step further from myself, my desires, longings, and the world around me... I'm a Childhood Educator, a kindergarten teacher, for many, many years now (this is my 36th year of work). Probably, when some of you were born, I was already working... Since forever I was passionate about my profession, where I always felt like a fish in the water, without effort, without sorrow, without fight. Education is my world, and I feel fully accomplished when I am at school. During my long teaching practice, I passed through many educational currents, many fashions, many theories, but beyond all these, my goal has always been the same: to look at each and every one of the children as being unique and special, and go in their direction to meet their interes