Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For the start, teachers can adapt some guidelines
about social media use from business environment.
Check this Policy Database here: for
lots of examples.
about social media policies for schools, “Putokazi
kroz društvene mreže”:
0/putokazi-kroz-drutvene-mreze/ Lidija Kralj,
Pogled kroz prozor No. 35, November 2011
And we can use social media to help us and join
forces with other teachers creating this
Crowdsourced School Social Media Policy: - now you just have to translate it and use it
Simon Finch, Internet safety advisor, on his blog
article “Thoughts on writing social media policy” recommends to
teachers that prior to use any program for social
networking create a risk assessment to ensure a
consistent approach to the use of social media.
This assessment may include some of the following:
Are there adequate privacy options
Can comments be moderated prior to
Is the service generally recognized as
trusted and reliable?
Have parents been notified of the intended
use of the social media within their child’s
Does the service have responsive reporting
systems in place?
Has the educational value of the activity
been shared with colleagues, learners and
Is there a clearly identified
pastoral/disciplinary process in place in the
event of an incident?
So, it is really on teachers to decide if they will use
social network programs, which one, and how they
will use them with their students, and not to forget
that students’ safety comes first.
More information:
Project "Architecture of My City" earned Croatian
Comet Award for the best project in category 11 14 yrs:; also it was shortlisted for
eTwinning Prizes 2012:
You can find further information on the project’s
If you can read Croatian, here is one of my articles
TED: EU and US Teachers Learn
from Each Other
By Paraschevi Belogia
Paraskevi Belogia is a teacher of English in
Secondary Education in Greece and an active
As a teacher heavily involved with various
eTwinning projects, I have always enjoyed what
could be described as imaginary trips to my
partners’ homelands. Because, no matter how far
these places are, after growing closer to my
partners through working together, it felt like I was
able to reach them, not just by looking at a photo
or by reading just a few short lines about them,
but, more importantly, by getting a genuine feel of
the people who make up that place's culture.
Escaping my country’s boundaries and effectively
travelling around Europe through my imagination
while working on eTwinning projects has always
been a deep pleasure for me, even though at times
it did prove to be quite a challenge. Even with my
past eTwinning experience, however, TED managed
to trigger my imagination like no such other course
has. For me, it turned out to be a ticket to
knowledge that gave me the opportunity to cross
the Atlantic and broaden my personal and
professional horizons.