eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 28

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------International Projects as a Way for Promoting e-Safety By Lidija Kralj public exposure of their private data, photos or videos, and how to be respectful towards others in an online environment. Lidija Kralj is a Croatian teacher of Mathematics and Informatics at Veliki Bukovec Primary School, and also a leader for national campaign "Safer Internet for children and youth". Teachers and students are using more and more web 2.0 tools, work with different cloud resources and social networks. Do they pay enough attention to safety of online environment and make balance between usability and possible risks? If we look at eTwinning and TwinSpace from that perspective, I am happy to say that eTwinning projects are great way of engaging students with online communication and collaboration in a safe environment and guaranteed good company. The TwinSpace has elements of social network but does not put our students in dangerous situations. Math empowered with e-safety Last year, French math teacher Maryse Duprey and I started a project "Architecture of My City" about architecture, from a geometric point of view. Our students (14 and 15 year olds) worked in pairs on different mathematical tasks connected with project idea and embraced mathematical language in English, French and Croatian. This project gave students the opportunity to see the mathematical aspect of everyday situations and share their knowledge with peers from another country. Alongside with our primary mathematical goals, we realized internet safety aims, as TwinSpace gave us excellent opportunity to communicate and collaborate in a safe online environment and to teach our students how to use the Internet in a safe, responsible and effective manner. Students worked on tasks in the computer lab, mathematical classroom, outside and at home. They solved tasks making drawings, descriptions, videos, taking photos and collaboratively working on blogs and documents in TwinSpace. Students use TwinSpace tools for communication, collaboration and sharing of their findings. We used chat for discussing their solutions and differences among some mathematical approaches, and videoconferences in which we shared our experiences about project, discussed social networks, their potential benefits-pitfalls and learn some French and Croatian phrases. So we employed the opportunity of using TwinSpace as social network to show our students what can be shared online, how to pay attention to Teachers and e-safety School policies about use of computers, mobile devices, Internet and social media are still rare to find in most of the EU schools. For example, not one school in Croatia has it. At the same time we are all exposed to social media influence and we cannot just make up rules as we come across some misuse. It is time t