Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Download country flags. Use a Google image
search. There is also a flag gallery in Wikipedia.
Open that flag image in a new Photofiltre window.
Select the flag image and paste it on your photo.
You might need to resize the flag. Repeat the
process for all the flags. Then write the members’
That is all!
Myebook Is Yours Too!
By Daniela Bunea, Romania
Myebook is designed to completely change the way
that books or magazines are published on the
Internet. It is an all-in-one solution for the creation
and sharing of online books, and one of the easiest
ways to get a book or magazine out there and start
spreading the word about it. Our newsletters are
published using myebook! E-books are easier to
publish then print books – however, this is still
fairly difficult for some people. Myebook has been
designed to make it really easy for anyone to
publish e-books on the Internet.
It is possible to use the application to create as
many books as one wants for free. Myebook has a
very nice and simple user interface and it is suitable
for virtually any type of book or magazine – photo
albums, brochures, comics, leaflets, manuals,
children’s books.
Good work!