eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 18

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Open your photo with Photofiltre. I use 2 methods to make the sheet of paper completely white. 3.1 The Magic Wand Tool Try to select the surface of the sheet , testing different tolerances. Then cut the selection (CTRL+X). Your selection takes the background color: white. SmileBox lets you share your unique creative designs through various platforms and social media networks, such as Facebook and MySpace. It also allows you to invite your friends and e-mail your work to them or publish it on blogging sites. Personalize a Group Photo with Photofiltre By Eric Vayssie, France 3.2 The Polygon Tool Select the surface , drawing a polygon zone. Each point click will be the corner of the polygon. Then cut the selection (CTRL+X). Your selection, takes the background color: white. For the promotion of your eTwinning or Comenius project you probably made a group photo. This tutorial explains how to personalize it with flags and names. 1. Download the application Photofiltre Free from here: 2. Take a photo of your group. Each member needs to hold a white sheet of paper. On this photo the paper does not appear completely white , there are shadows. Repeat that process for all the sheets of your photo 18