eTwinning Turkish Students' Individual Works Yeni Microsoft Word Belgesi | Page 12

CEYDA YILMAZ MEDICAL COLLAGE The consturction of Medical Collage building started in 1901. It was used as a Military Headquarter between 1902 and 1925. It is unknown who the building was built by. It was used as a military hospital during the First World War (1915-1921). Again it was used for other military services until 1986. Unit 1994 it was not used for any purpose. It stayed redundant for 8 years. Later it was restored by the Health Ministry and it was used as a Medical Highschool. In 1996, it was used as a Medical Collage. It is still part of 17 Eylül University, in Bandırma. There are 4 classes and 10 rooms inside the building. There are 351 students studying there now.