Dear Philosopher
Dear Gandhi,
Considering everything that is currently taking place in Syria, what are your views on the resistance? Do you condone the violence with which they fight, or do you believe that they should fight injustice peacefully? Can an exception to nonviolence be justified in this case?
Jacob York
Dear Mr. York,
The situation in Syria gets more complicated by the minute. The government is killing its citizens, and destroying the country. I am and will always be a huge advocate of civil disobedience. When you fight injustice with violence, you place yourself on a higher level than your enemy. In order to achieve fairness, all sides must be on the same level, ensuring a balance. However, the Syrian regime has been on a higher level for far too long, oppressing the people and stripping them of all their rights. It is always best to choose nonviolence; however, one must not confuse that with cowardice. For people who have been put down for decades, violence is their only choice. Peaceful protest is not an option; it will simply be shut down. To answer your question: yes, an exception can be made. Violence should not be the first option; however, it can be a last resort, and in this case, it must.