ETH 321 OUTLET Imagine Your Future / ETH 321 OUTLET Imagine Your Future /eth321outlet. | Page 16

4- There are several reasons why whistle blowing may not be protected on an international level . These include
• Most business is not truly international and so there has been no push for globalization of protection .
• Dictators typically do not care if companies are engaging in illegal act ivities .
• Many nations across the globe do not have the dishonesty problems th at are found in western nations .
• Collective or collaborative cultures may frown on whistle blowing inst ead of working together to fix a problem .
5- Judicial review
• is the power or right of a court to hear a case .
• is the power of a state or federal court to declare a statute unconstituti onal .
• is the power of an appellate court to reverse a decision made in a lowe r court .
• is the power of a federal court to declare a state or federal statute inva lid if inconsistent with the constitution . 6- In Lucy v . Zehmer , the two parties were drinking in a bar when Lucy o ffers to buy Zehmer ' s farm . After some negotiation a written contract was executed . Zehmer claimed that the whole episode was only a joke and he never intended to sell the farm . The court determined that
• since the contract was written without lawyers present , it was likely no t really serious so no contract was actually formed .